
Analysis of the 2024 Essay Paper

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Essay paper this year was relatively simple. We have seen that the level of difficulty has been continuously reduced since 2020 when the paper was so tough that people literally panicked during the paper. Since then the difficulty has been moderated and this year it’s the simplest of all.

It is yet another year of amazing topics.

2024 Essay Paper:

Section A

  1. Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.
  2. The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind
  3. There is no path to happiness; Happiness is the path
  4. The doubter is a true man of science

Section B

  1. Social media is triggering ‘Fear of Missing Out’ amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness.
  2. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character give him power.
  3. All ideas having large consequences are always simple.
  4. The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.

Topic wise analysis of each Essay:

Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.

Meaning: Every civilization is built upon the fertile land and resources provided by the forests and its biproducts, such as rivers, timber, food etc. Civilizations get established and grow over these resources, degrading them in the process. When a civilization gets ruined by the test of time, it leaves a trace of barren wasteland, polluted to the extent that nature takes time to recover.

Subject Knowledge required: History, Environment, and Geography.

Examples that can be quoted: Chernobyl, Fukushima.

Wider approach regarding the topic can be easily taken by including the Oil spills of Nigeria, Not in my backyard syndrome etc.

Further, one can easily conclude on the thought that it is the nature that wins in the end.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: Seeing this topic, a 2022 Essay topic comes to mind – “Forests are the best-case studies for Economic Excellence”. But the two topics are a bit different. The 2022 topic dealt with our management of the natural resources. The present topic is how we generally mismanage them.

The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind

Meaning: It is basically talking about the superpowers of the future; may it be political (countries) or economic (including MNCs) or even ideas. It can be interpreted in many ways:

  1. The future superpower will be a knowledge-based economy, one which can generate best ideas in the world. Just as US does it today.
  2. The future superpower will rule on minds, i.e. it will create such an aura that generates respect. For example, chat-GPT is trained by western books, it will create a western bias in the minds of the people, and western Ideas would eventually rule the world.
  3. If you are feeling too extravagant you can even trace the future rule of AI. (but do not be so extravagant)

Subject Knowledge required: History, IR, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Society. In essence, it is a very wide topic, but equally interesting.

Examples that can be quoted: We have already quoted the examples of USA and Chat GPT.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: Again, we can find a similarity with a 2022 essay paper. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man. Further, a couple of topics on technology have been repeated having similar themes.

There is no path to happiness; Happiness is the path

Meaning: People spend their life in the search of happiness; Whereas, happiness is not a destination, it is the path taken. Afterall the path taken by you is a bigger portion of your life than the day of victory. The surest way to remain happy is to enjoy the path.

For example, if result is happiness, then it creates two propblems. If it is not achieved, we will be eventually sad. And if it is achieved there will be a hollowness afterwards.

Subject Knowledge required: Ethics, concepts from History and society for examples.

Examples that can be quoted: We can use examples from Geeta’s Nishkam karma and Budhha’s theory of sorrow. We can use practical examples of homicide of a 2016 NEET Topper.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: This is so similar to 2023’s “Not all who wander are lost”. Those who are wander, might just be enjoying the journey.

In the past several essays have been asked on happiness. For example, 2020’s “Mindful Manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self”.

The doubter is a true man of science

Meaning: Science is nothing but the establishment of knowledge through the method of testing. Those who raise right question and test their ideas are the one who advance science. It leaves no room for preconceived notions. To establish right ideas, it is necessary to doubt each of our beliefs and believe in only the things that are tested to be true.

Subject Knowledge required: Science, Ethics and society.

Examples that can be quoted: If you know the story of how any of the scientists reached to their conclusion, you can use that example to explain this theory. For example, Einstein contested Newtonian Physics even when there was little mistake in it.

You can give examples from personal and social life too.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: on the topic of Knowledge, UPSC has been superactive in the last few years. Consider the following PYQs:

  1. Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team [2023] – on the subject of doubt.
  2. There are better practices to “best practices” [2021] – on the subject of doubting ourselves.
  3. What is research, but a blind date with knowledge [2021]. – on the subject of knowledge.
  4. Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. [2023]
  5. Wisdom finds truth [2019]

Social media is triggering ‘Fear of Missing Out’ amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness.

Meaning: This is a pretty straightforward topic. We don’t think it needs explanation.

Knowledge required: Ethics, Technology, and society.

Examples that can be quoted: Stories from the social media.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: Topic of Anxiety and ill-effects of social media is common in the last few years:

  1. “Mindful Manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self”. [2020]
  2. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the Society. [2019]
  3. Ships do not sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them. [2020] – an amazing topic that can be easily linked with the influence of social media.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character give him power.

Meaning: This is a very common topic. Adversity is not the real test of the character of the men. However, the real test is how one reacts when one is given power. Power is the ability to do what one wants to do. Someone can get arrogance with power that can lead to misuse of it. Power tests the sense of responsibility.

Subject Knowledge required: History, Society, Polity, IR, Economics, Ethics; A wide variety of examples can be used.

Example can be given from multiple perspective:

  • Political sphere: Taliban coming in the power after long struggle, Power transistion in Africa from Apartheid rule to majority rule, Hitler treating adversaries after coming to power
  • Social perspective: Power dynamics in family between Father- son, Husband-Wife etc
  • Economic: Philanthropic activities by Capitalist: use of economic power

Thus, justification through example will help in getting good marks

Similarity with Previous Essay paper:

All ideas having large consequences are always simple.

Meaning: Ideas that have large consequence are those giving solution of some problems. One of the best parts of successful ideas are simplicity of it.

Example from multiple dimension will help justify the quote:

  • Business ideas: Amazon started with selling of online books: Now it is one of the biggest companies.
  • Innovation: a small change in the process of assembly line can lead to enormous increase in the efficiency, Discovery of Gravitation force was started with the simple question
  • Social problems can be solved with simple ideas: Formation of NGOs, Safety of women: Spray etc

An anti-thesis can be given: Though it may look simple at first instance, it may not have been simple when the idea was used first time.

Subject Knowledge required: Again, experiences from different domains can be shared here.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: Again, a theme that has repeated several times:

  1. Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication. [2020]
  2. Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane. [2023]

The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.

Meaning: The main theme of the quote is “it is better to try and fail rather than not trying at all” The cost incurred in not trying is more as it will lead to no result. Whereas giving a try to something can lead to some positive results. Even if it is not giving a result, atleast it gives experience.

One quote can be written which was given by Thomas Edison:

“I have not failed. I’ve just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.”

Through multiple try one can progressively improve oneself. For example, JK Rowling faced multiple rejections but she continued to refine her manuscript until it was finally accepted, leading to one of the best-selling book series in history.

Thus, giving a try leads to learning from failure.

Thus, Multiple examples can be given to justify the quote to fetch good marks.

Similarity with Previous Essay paper: On the theme of change several essays are asked:

  1. A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ship is for [2022] – on the theme of trying new things.
  2. There are better practices to “best practices” [2021] – on the subject of improving with time.
  3. You cannot step in the same river twice [2022] – on the topic of ever-changing world.

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