
Hectic negotiations on for control of House panels

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 5)

Topic: GS2Indian Polity
The constitution of Parliamentary Standing Committees for the 18th Lok Sabha is delayed due to disagreements between the government and the Opposition.

● The contentious committees include External Affairs, Finance, and Defence.

● These differences have resulted in a political deadlock.

Parliamentary Standing Committees:
●  Parliamentary Standing Committees are permanent committees in the Indian Parliament, constituted to examine bills, budgets, and policies of various ministries and departments.

● There are 24 Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees, 16 under the Lok Sabha and 8 under the Rajya Sabha.

● These committees play a crucial role in scrutinising government work, providing expert opinions, and ensuring detailed legislative analysis.

● Members include MPs from both Houses, with proportional representation of parties

Their recommendations, though not binding, help shape parliamentary debates and decisions by allowing more detailed discussions on complex issues than in full parliamentary sessions.

Significance of Parliamentary Standing Committees:

  • In-depth scrutiny: Provide detailed analysis of bills, budgets, and policies.
  • Non-partisan discussions: Foster consensus-building across party lines.
  • Expert inputs: Involve expert witnesses for specialised knowledge.
  • Accountability: Enhance government accountability through questioning.
  • Efficiency: Reduce Parliament’s workload by examining issues in smaller groups.
  • Transparency: Facilitate greater transparency in the legislative process.
  • Legislative quality: Improve the quality of legislation through recommendations.


  • Political influence: Committees may face political pressure, reducing their independence.
  • Limited time: Tight schedules often restrict thorough examination of bills and policies.
  • Non-binding recommendations: Governments are not obligated to implement committee suggestions.
  • Lack of expertise: Some committee members may lack domain-specific knowledge, affecting quality.
  • Delayed constitution: Delay in forming committees can hinder legislative oversight and scrutiny.
  • Resource constraints: Limited research and technical support affect in-depth analysis.

Way Forward:

  • Strengthen independence: Committees should operate without political interference for unbiased recommendations.
  • Enhance expertise: Include domain experts or provide training to members.
  • Timely formation: Ensure timely constitution of committees to avoid delays in legislative scrutiny.
  • Make recommendations binding: Consider making certain committee recommendations mandatory.
  • Increase resources: Provide committees with better research and technical support for detailed analysis.
  • Public engagement: Encourage transparency and citizen participation in committee discussions.
PYQ: Explain the structure of the Parliamentary Committee system. How far have the financial committees helped in the institutionalisation of Indian Parliament? (250 words/15m) (UPSC CSE (M) GS-2 2023)
Practice Question:  Discuss the role of Parliamentary Standing Committees in enhancing the legislative process and ensuring government accountability. How do their recommendations impact policymaking? (250 Words /15 marks)


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