
House panel to discuss readiness to deal with ‘non-kinetic warfare’

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 4)

Topic: GS3Internal Security
● The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence will deliberate on the preparedness of the Indian armed forces for hybrid warfare, including cyber and non-kinetic threats.

Non-Kinetic Warfare:

  • Use of non-military means: Involves actions that are not directly violent, such as economic sanctions, diplomacy, and propaganda.
  • Goal of achieving objectives without physical conflict: Seeks to influence behaviour or achieve political goals without resorting to armed force.
  • Examples: US sanctions against Iran, international pressure on North Korea to denuclearize.

Hybrid Warfare:

  • Blending of conventional and unconventional tactics: Combines traditional military force with cyberattacks, information warfare, and other non-military tools.
  • Goal of destabilisation: Aims to erode an adversary’s capabilities and undermine their will to fight.
  • Examples: Alleged interference of Russia in the 2016 US election, China’s use of economic leverage and propaganda.
Practice Question:  Discuss the concepts of hybrid warfare and non-kinetic warfare, highlighting their characteristics and real-world examples. How can states adapt to these evolving threats? (150 Words /10 marks)


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