
Union Budget: understanding its formulation and implications

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(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 11)

Topic: GS3 – Indian Economy – Government Budgeting
  • The Union Budget outlines the government’s financial plans, including expenditure, revenue, and deficit targets.
  • This article discusses how the Union budget impacts economic growth, income distribution, and fiscal policies.

Overview of the Union Budget

  • The Union Budget is a financial plan presented by the Finance Minister.
  • It includes details about the government’s spending, taxes, and economic activities.
  • The main components are expenditure, receipts, and deficit indicators.

Expenditure in the Budget

  • Expenditure is divided into two types:
    • Capital Expenditure: Spending on creating long-lasting assets like new schools and hospitals.
    • Revenue Expenditure: Spending that doesn’t create assets, like salaries, subsidies, and interest payments.
  • Expenditure is further classified into:
    • General Services: Basic services like administration.
    • Economic Services: Spending on infrastructure, rural development, and agriculture.
    • Social Services: Expenditure on education, healthcare, and welfare programs.
    • Grants-in-aid: Money given to other bodies or sectors.
  • Development expenditure includes spending on economic and social services and is classified as capital or revenue.

Government Receipts

  • Receipts are the government’s earnings, classified into:
    • Revenue Receipts: Earnings from taxes and non-tax sources that don’t add to liabilities.
    • Non-debt Capital Receipts: Earnings like loan recoveries or proceeds from selling assets, which don’t create debt.
    • Debt-creating Capital Receipts: Earnings from loans or borrowings that increase government liabilities.

Deficits in the Budget

  • Fiscal Deficit: Difference between total expenditure and receipts. It shows how much the government borrows.
  • Primary Deficit: Fiscal deficit minus interest payments.
  • Revenue Deficit: Fiscal deficit minus capital expenditure.

Impacts of the Budget on the Economy

  • Government expenditure creates demand in the economy.
  • Taxes and other revenues reduce income in the private sector, leading to reduced demand.
  • To analyze the budget, we look at trends in expenditure and revenue in relation to GDP.

Income Distribution

  • The Budget affects different income groups in different ways.
  • Welfare schemes like subsidies help the poor, while tax reductions benefit businesses.
  • Although these decisions increase the fiscal deficit, they have distinct effects on income distribution.

Fiscal Rules

  • Fiscal rules set targets for managing government debt and deficits.
  • In India, these rules are based on the N.K. Singh Committee recommendations.
  • Fiscal rules help guide government expenditure and tax policies. 
Practice Question:  Examine the major components of the Union Budget and discuss its implications on economic growth, income distribution, and fiscal policy in India. (250 Words /15 marks)

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