
What does USCIRF report say about India?

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 10)

Topic: GS2International Relations
● The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released a report highlighting deteriorating religious freedom in India, citing violence against minorities and government repression.

● India’s Ministry of External Affairs rejected the report, labelling USCIRF as biased.

● This ongoing issue raises concerns about religious freedom and international relations.


USCIRF Report on India:

  • The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released a country update on India, highlighting deteriorating religious freedom conditions in 2024.
  • The report claims individuals from minority communities have faced killings, lynchings, arbitrary arrests, and the destruction of places of worship throughout 2024.
  • The Indian government has strongly rejected the report, calling USCIRF a biassed organisation with a political agenda.

What is the USCIRF?

  • The USCIRF is a U.S.-based federal government agency that monitors religious freedom worldwide, based on international human rights standards, particularly Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • It differs from the U.S. State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF) and its recommendations do not directly affect bilateral relations.
  • Although backed by extensive research, some view the USCIRF’s timing and reports as influenced by U.S. foreign policy goals, raising concerns about its objectivity.

USCIRF’s Role:

  • USCIRF assesses religious freedom violations globally, producing an annual report recommending countries for designation as “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC) or inclusion in the Special Watch List (SWL).
  • CPC countries face the possibility of U.S. sanctions if their violations are deemed systematic, ongoing, and egregious.

USCIRF’s Findings on India:

  • The report emphasises increasing suppression of minorities through discriminatory laws like the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, anti-conversion laws, and cow slaughter laws.
  • It accuses Indian officials of promoting hateful rhetoric and perpetuating violence against religious minorities, while designating India as a CPC in 2024.

India’s Response:

  • India’s Ministry of External Affairs dismissed the report as politically motivated, stating that it misrepresents facts and reflects an agenda-driven narrative.
Practice Question:  Critically analyse the implications of the USCIRF’s report on religious freedom in India for India’s international relations and internal policies. (150 Words /10 marks)

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