Everything You Need To Know About Chronology Of Excavations Of Indus Valley Sites

Chronology of Excavations of Indus Valley sites

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The Harappan civilisation has not been documented in either Indian or foreign ancient texts. It was a largely forgotten civilisation that was discovered by the British in the 19th Century.

In 1829, Masson visited Punjab to gather useful intelligence for the East India Company. He was an enthusiast of Alexander’s military campaigns and chose to visit the same towns that had been featured in Alexander’s campaigns, as noted by the Ancient Greek writers. This is how he discovered Harappa on the bank of Ravi, which Masson thought to be an ancient city of Sagala, as mentioned in Greek writings. Masson made notes and illustrations of Harappa’s rich historical artefacts, many lying half-buried.

The site was plundered for its bricks several times after the annexation of Punjab by the British, especially for the ballast material for the construction of a Railway line connecting Lahore.

The chronology of excavations at Indus Valley sites provides a brief understanding of the geographical and cultural aspects of this civilization. Following is the gist of all the major excavations that have taken place to date in the Indus Valley civilisation.

Year Archaeologist Excavations/Finds
1829 Charles Masson He came across Harappa in 1829 and wrongly identified it as Sangala, a city of Alexander’s time.
1856 Alexander Cunningham

(1st ASI director)

Visited Harappa & wrongly concluded it to be a Buddhist monastery.
1872-75 He published about 1st Harappan Seal and said it was not of Indian origin as it depicted a bull without a hump.
1900s Daya Ram Sahni

(1st Indian ASI director)

Discovered many Seals in the area.
1921 Began excavating Harappa with MS Vats on the banks of the river Ravi.
1921 Rakhal Das Banerji, Ernest JH Mackay, John Marshall

(an ASI director)

– Similar seals were found at Mohenjo-Daro, leading to the conjecture that sites were part of a single archaeological culture.

– Continued excavation by JH Mackay, GF Dales & MS Vats.

1946 REM Wheeler Excavates Harappa and Kot Dijian deposits
1955 SR Rao Began excavations at Lothal.
1955 F.A Khan Identified Kot Diji
1960 BB Lal & BK Thapar Began excavations at Kalibagan
1974  MR Mughal Began excavations at Bahawalpur
1980 German & Italian team Began surface explorations at Mohenjo-Daro.
1986 American team Began excavations at Harappa.
1990 RS Bisht Began excavations at Dholavira.
2004 L.S Rao Began excavations at Bhirrana (Haryana)
2019 New archaeological findings in Keezhadi (Tamil Nadu) suggested a connection with the Harappan culture
2022 S K Manjul A new round of excavations at Rakhigarhi

Everything You Need To Know About Chronology Of Excavations Of Indus Valley Sites

Indus Valley Civilization Sites along Rivers

Sites On River/Water body Location
Suktagendor Dashta Baluchistan (Pakistan)
Chanhudaro Indus Sarkand (Pakistan)
Kot-Diji Indus Khairpu (Pakistan)
Rangpur Madar Khathiawad (Gujarat)
Ropar Satluj Ropar (Punjab, India)
Alamgirpur Hindon Meerut (U.P)
Surkotada Kutch (Gujarat)
Kunal Saraswati Hisar (Haryana)
Desalpur Bhadra Bhuj (Gujarat)
Mohanjodaro Indus Larkana (Pakistan)
Harappa Ravi Punjab (Pakistan)
Ganweriwala Ghaggar Cholistan Punjab (Pakistan)
Balakot Kunhar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
Kalibangan Ghaggar Hunmangarh(Rajasthan)
Lothal Bhogava-Sabarmati Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Dholavira Mandsar and mahar water streams Kutch (Gujarat)
Banawali Rangoi Hisar (Haryana)
Rakhigarhi Drishadvati Hisar (Haryana)
Birhana Ghaggar Fatehabad (Haryana)
Siswal Ancient Chautang river Hisar (Haryana)
Nageshwar Gulf of Kutch Kutch (Gujarat)
Manda Chenab Jammu and Kashmir
Mitalal Chautang and the Yamuna River Bhiwani (Haryana)
Amri Indus Sindh (Pakistan)

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