Everything You Need To Know About 1 Dec 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

1 Dec 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing


1.  “The art of painting in India has a rich and diverse history, with works that are not only aesthetically beautiful, but also offer insights into the social, cultural, and political contexts in which they were created.” Elaborate.


The art of painting in India has a captivating and extensive history that spans thousands of years. Indian paintings not only give aesthetic delights but also act as a source of social, cultural, and political history.

The aesthetic beauty of the art of painting in India is as follows:

  1. Ornamentation: The paintings are decorated with splendid jewellery and life-like expressions. The paintings themselves are intended to enhance the beauty and grace of the place. E.g., the Cave paintings at Ajanta.
  2. Vivid colors: Use of vivid colours make the Indian paintings vibrant and robust. E.g., the use of bold and bright colors is a distinguishing feature of Warli paintings.
  3. Distinct form: Painting styles have unique forms, such as elongated faces and eyes in Kishangarh paintings.
  4. Artistic acumen: Mastery of form in depiction of humans or animals prove the evolved status of the art. E.g., minimalism in rock paintings at Bhimbetka.
  5. Use of symbolism: Indian paintings often incorporate symbolic elements. E.g., sexual motifs such as lotus aripana in Madhubani paintings.

The art of painting offers the following contextual insights:

  1. Social Context:
  2. a) Portrayal of social hierarchy: Paintings reflect the social hierarchy, such as traditional gender roles of men and women in Rajasthani miniatures.
  3. b) Nationalism: National awakening shaped the works of the Bengal School artists who sought to create a national style of painting. E.g., Bharat Mata by Abanindranath Tagore.
  4. c) Paintings offer insights into the daily lives of people, such as the themes of nature in Gond paintings.
  5. d) Occupations: Importance of cattle rearing can be perceived from depiction of cattle heroes called Bhomias in Phad paintings.
  6. Cultural context:
  7. a) Bhakti tradition: The influence of Pushtimarga on Rajasthani miniatures is visible in the themes of Krishna Lila.
  8. b) Artistic Influences: Indian paintings have been shaped by centuries of indigenous traditions, regional influences as well as imported styles. E.g., the strong Persian influence on the Mughal miniatures.

3. Political context:

  1. a) The political presence of Sultans in Gujarat, Mandu, Jaunpur etc. can be deduced from the depiction of architectural elements like domes and arches in Jain manuscript paintings.
  2. b) Propaganda: Paintings were used to project political strength. E.g., ‘the Jahangir’s dream’ painting depicts Jahangir standing on a lion while the Persian emperor Shah Abbas is shown standing on sheep to depict the former’s superiority.
  3. c) Patronage by distinct rulers and nobles shaped distinct styles. E.g., the development of the Rajasthani miniatures at the Rajput courts or the Company style under European patrons. Indian paintings offer a multi-dimensional view of the country’s rich heritage. The aesthetics, subject matter, and techniques highlight the artistic achievements and the intricate interplay between art and history.

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2. Discuss the merits and challenges associated with the proposal for simultaneous elections in India, considering constitutional, federal, and logistical aspects. Suggest viable solutions to address the complexities involved.

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3. Examine the evolving dynamics of the global order, considering the rise of China, Russia’s strategic choices, and India’s diplomatic challenges. Assess the impact of major power competition on regional stability and India’s strategic options.

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