10 May 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
Q1) Why is graphene considered material of the future? Suggest measures to help India become a frontrunner in the incoming graphene-age?
(150 Words/10 Marks)
Mains Answer Writing 16-December-2023 Q1) Castelessness is a privilege that only a few can afford whose caste privilege has already translated into social, political, and economic capital. Comment. ANSWER Caste system can be referred to as a socio-economic framework for arranging and organizing various social groups in the society. Caste invariably dictates one’s position in…
Q1) Elucidate the contribution of women in the fields of science & technology. How can we incentivize more women to enter the scientific fields? (250 Word/15 Marks) Various factors such as different social expectations, primary care giver role, discrimination at work place, career breaks due to pregnancy etc. have traditionally restricted women from getting their…
Q1) National security challenges require sufficiently addressing the concerns of human security. Explain and suggest reforms for the same. (150 Words/10 Marks)
Q1)”Parliamentary committees serve as the engine room of legislative scrutiny, delving deep into policy matters and holding the government to account.” In this perspective, evaluate the role of departmentally-related standing committees (DRSCs) in holding the executive accountable to the parliament. (250 Words/15 Marks) ANSWER The functioning of Parliament is a complex mechanism and the role…
Q1) “Amidst the clamor of competing interests, the government’s wisdom lies in striking a fine balance, harnessing the energies of pressure groups while staying steadfast in its commitment to uphold the broader public interest.” How do pressure groups influence public affairs? How can the government strike a balance between accommodating the demands of pressure groups…
Mains Answer Writing One of the key components of these exams is the written test, which consists of a number of essay and comprehension questions. Candidates are expected to write clear and well-structured answers that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topics being tested. 25-September-2023 Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Q1) Assess the efficacy of the…