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11 September 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

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Q1) What do the following quotations mean to you: “Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.”- John F. Kennedy

(150 Words/10 Marks)


Tolerance can be referred to as having conditional acceptance to beliefs, practices and acceptance of others even when one considers them to be wrong. In the above quote, John F. Kennedy, highlights the essence of tolerance as the tool that generates incredulity towards the oppression and persecution of others.

According to me, the above quote exhorts the significance of tolerance as the necessary trait of an individual, a society, and a nation for peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

According to me, the above quote closely resonates with the thoughts of Gandhi when he said: “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.” This assertion indicates how we can stand firm on our principles and beliefs, while respecting the freedom and liberty of others, in line with constitutional morality.

The absence of tolerance, according to me, can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  1. Intolerance leads to suppression of speech and expression, thereby dehumanising and degrading the victims. E.g., oppression of ethnic minorities (Uighurs) in Xinjiang province by China.
  2. Intolerance leads to violation of human rights. E.g., persecution of ethnic Tamils in Sri Lanka by Sinhalese.
  3. Persecution and oppression as a result of intolerance results in regional instability. E.g., persecution of Rohingya becoming a cause of tension for the whole south Asian region.
  4. Intolerance towards others is a root cause for insecurity dilemma, social unrest etc. E.g., communal riots, son of the soil movements etc.
  5. Intolerance can sabotage socio-cultural growth as a result of the oppression of minorities. E.g., oppression of Afro-Americans in the USA.

Tolerance as a virtue in a society, a nation, and an individual, is necessary to create a just and fair order, as can be seen from:

  1. Tolerance is seminal to create a multi-cultural, diverse society, with robust cultural intermixing. E.g., tolerance towards religious practices of each-other.
  2. Tolerance facilitates a diversity of opinions to flourish, leading to socio-cultural growth of the country. E.g., schemes for minority welfare.
  3. Tolerance creates a framework for a salad bowl model of societal development, highlighting the aspirations of sub-altern. E.g., mainstreaming the concerns of transgenders, disabled, women etc.
  4. Tolerance breeds communal harmony, social cohesion etc., strengthening the internal security of the country.

Diversity of opinions, practices, views etc., are the building blocks of a resilient and robust society.

Therefore, tolerance as a value should be promoted by social institutions like schools, family etc., among the citizens from an early age





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