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20 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Describe the significance of the following for civil services:

i) Neutrality

ii) Intellectual Courage

iii) Diligence

iv) Selflessness

(150 Words/10 Marks)




i) Neutrality:

Neutrality in civil services implies that civil servants should exercise their duties and powers solely in accordance with the will of the elected government without prejudice to their own ideological convictions. Its relevance is as follows:

1. It marks the separation of politics that informs a policy from the capacity to administer the said policies.

2. The credit for social benefits and criticism of failure arising out of policies are to be directed at the political executive. This shields the civil servants from public criticism of policy shortcomings.

3. It also implies that political executive has democratic legitimacy while civil servants don’t.

Example: Civil servants giving critical opinion on policies during drafting stage without fear of displeasing the political superiors is positive outcome of neutrality in civil services and makes way for robust policies.

ii) Intellectual Courage:

Intellectual courage in civil services means that the counsel offered by civil servants to the government is informed by fortitude and an active voice of conscience. Its relevance can be seen from the following points:

1. Improves the moral basis of government policies.

2. Helps address blind-spots in a policy when it harms public interest.

3. Enables a civil servant to counter immoral practices in face of social resistance such as casteism and social discrimination.

4. It enables civil servant to resist fear and favor and helps in addressing issues of corruption.

Example: Ashok Khemka, an IAS officer, has shown intransigent attitude towards issues of corruption, despite numerous transfers and harms to his career.

iii) Diligence: Diligence in civil services means utmost care and effort goes into making decisions. It informs the way bureaucracy works. Its importance can be seen from following points:

1. Diligence protects against panic as decision and policies coming from bureaucracy have significant impact across public sphere.

2. It addresses needs of all stakeholders affected by a decision or policy.

3. Advanced planning of emergency measures help in events of disaster.

Example: Inviting comments from all stakeholders during policy formulation stage by issuing draft of the policy.

iv) Selflessness: Selflessness in civil services means bureaucracy acts solely in public interest, and not for private gains to self or relatives & friends. Its importance can be judged from following points:

1. It acts as a check against corruption.

2. It provides ethical governance by keeping public interest as the primary focus of governments and public authorities.

3. It promotes public good.

4. It improves delivery of public services through non-discriminatory delivery mechanisms.

Example: Selfless work of building a 100-Km Road by IAS officer Armstrong Pame in Manipur

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