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26 July 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

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Q1) Do you think NATO as a system of US-led collective security for Europe is relevant in an increasingly multipolar world? Justify your answer.

(250 Words/15 Marks)



The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1949 as a means of collective defence against the Soviet Union. However, in a world where the countries are increasingly ascribing to a multipolar order, there is a question mark upon the utility of NATO, an institution of the bygone era of US-USSR bipolarity.

It is argued that NATO has limited utility in a multipolar world because:

1. NATO’s utility stands diminished as it is believed by many experts that after the collapse of USSR China presents a greater challenge to the US hegemony than Russia.

2. With the global focus shifting towards Indo-Pacific, Atlantic has ceased to be the centre point of diplomacy. This change in the paradigm limits the political-military influence of NATO.

3. As the world moves towards multipolarity, global engagements have become mixed across trade, commerce, people to people contacts, cultural linkages etc. E.g., before the Ukraine crisis, several NATO members had significant energy/defence trade ties with Russia.

4. In a multipolar world, importance of economic sanctions, soft power etc., has risen in comparison to military actions.

E. g., economic sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea etc.

5. Multipolar world has witnessed a rise in the numbers of non-state actors, reducing the efficacy of conventional response in face of asymmetric warfare. E.g., lone-wolf attacks in France.

6. NATO suffers from internal cleavages and divisions.

E. g., US has shown reluctance to contribute troops, EU countries don’t contribute the required 2% of their GDPs to NATO budget etc.

Despite its limited utility, NATO still has relevance in a multipolar world because of following reasons:

1. NATO has considerable utility in controlling the expansionist and aggressive behaviour of countries, thus ensuring a deterrence effect against unilateral action by countries.

E.g., Action of NATO during the Ukraine crisis (2022).

2. NATO plays an important role in upkeeping the ideals of Westphalian treaty, preserving the sovereignty and integrity of every country.

3. NATO aims to provide a stable security architecture in the politically fissile Euro-Atlantic region, which has been the cause of two world wars in the past.

4. NATO has seminal role in providing a security umbrella to small countries, thus upholding peace and stability in the region.

E. g., Finland has joined NATO on 4th April, 2023; Sweden has applied for NATO membership.

5. The member countries of NATO reflect significant political, military and economic heft.

E.g., NATO includes 3 permanent members of the UNSC.

In a multipolar world reliance on military power as a means of projecting influence has diminished, giving way to more integrated trade and cultural relations. However, the expansionary tendencies of countries have kept the logic of military hard power alive. It is in this regard that collective security institutions like NATO continue to hold relevance.


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