27 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing
Q1) Analyze the need for gender-responsive budgets and its impact in eliminating systemic gender inequality. (150 Words/10 Marks)
Gender-responsive budgeting is an approach that ensures budgets are inclusive and equitable towards women. By examining and addressing the distinct and varied needs of women, these budgets aim to distribute resources fairly.
Need for Gender-Responsive Budgets:
1. Women remain under-represented in public life, which means that government policy, including economic policy may not take their needs and priorities into account.
a. [In India, only 15% of Lok Sabha and 9% state legislature representatives are women]
2. Policies that appear neutral on the surface may have unintended consequences, including increasing gender inequality. [e.g., Entitlements to state benefits/pensions are tied to full-time paid employment over a lifetime. Women who work in the informal economy + do not work full-time due to caregiving responsibilities may not qualify for these benefits]
3. Women’s contributions are unrecognised – global value of unpaid care and domestic work for women aged 15 and over stands at around $10.8 trillion annually.
a. out of 105 countries only 26 per cent have comprehensive systems to track gender equality allocations in the budget [UN Women]
4. Women and men have different needs in areas such as healthcare, education, and social services. Traditional budgets may not account for these differences, leading to unequal access and outcomes.
5. Due to the inter-sectionality of patriarchy and economic inequality, women are disproportionately affected by poverty;
Potential Impact of Gender-Budgeting:
1. Overcoming Bias: (a) by recognising and valuing unpaid care work, gender budgeting can lead to policies that provide support for caregivers, such as subsidies, paid leave, and social security benefits; (b) recognition of needs and contributions can lead to better target resource allocation, resource recognition, address gender inequalities, and support sustainable development.
2. Poverty Reduction: gender-budgeting can create programs to address the specific needs of women, hence, providing a decisive blow against poverty overall.
3. Ensuring Justice and Democracy: (a) gender-responsive budgets foster a sense of justice, strengthen government accountability, and support better alignment of national budgets with Sustainable Development Goals; (b) create a level playing field by funding programs that promote equal opportunities in education, employment, and leadership positions; (c) funding specific programs aimed at preventing and responding to gender-based violence can be prioritised.
4. Increased Awareness and Accountability: (a) gender budgeting raises awareness about gender issues among policymakers, stakeholders, and the public; (b) it also increases accountability by tracking how funds are spent and ensuring they are used to promote gender equality.
5. India can fulfill International commitments – e.g., India is a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
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