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30 December 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

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Q1) Despite the MGNREGS being a critical lifeline for rural employment, the scheme faces challenges related to fund allocation and utilization. Analyse the role of MGNREGS in mitigating rural distress. Suggest measures for effective implementation of the scheme.

(250 Words/15 Marks)



Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is one of the largest work guarantee programmes in the world. Launched by the Ministry of Rural Development, the scheme guarantees 100 days of employment in a year to adult members of rural households willing to do unskilled manual work.

Role in mitigating rural distress:

1. Employment generation and Income security: (a) safety net by guaranteeing employment, thus ensuring a minimum level of income for rural households; (b) acts as a buffer, preventing economic hardship;

2. Arrests distress migration: (a) from rural areas to urban areas thereby making use of untapped labour in rural areas; (b) during agricultural off-seasons or droughts.

3. Vulnerable Sections: (a) According to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), scheme has played a huge role in reducing chronic poverty among vulnerable sections of the society such as women, Dalits and Adivasis.

4. Corruption reduction and financial Inclusion: (a) Payments under the scheme done through JAM trinity – 10 crore bank or post office accounts were opened; (b) social audit and reviews of the progress made under the projects

Challenges faced with implementation of the scheme:

1. Insufficient and unproductive work – (a) not suited to the local demands (b) on most days people don’t work at all [CAG report – MGNREGS generated only 52.02 days of employment as against 100 days guaranteed]. (c) creation of non-productive assets which makes no meaningful addition to the rural infrastructure

2. Financial issues: (a) delays in wage distribution (c) lower than minimum Agricultual wage rate in 34 states and Union Territories. (d) Due to low wage rates – workers are not interested to turn up for work.

3. Federal political issue – (a) Scheme very often caught between Centre-State tussle; (b) Centre through the arbitrary “Approved Labour Budget” reduces the number of days of work and put a cap on funds

4. Implementation issues – (a) numerous cases of fund diversion and false muster rolls. (b) Social audit even though mandated not followed in spirit

5. Other challenges: It has skewed the labour market and created wage distortion and labour shortage.

Measures for effective implementation:

1. Improving demand identification of infrastructure projects needs to be developed through MGNREGS.

2. Fund Allocation: Ensure flexible, demand-based budget allocations and establish state-level contingency funds; timely release of funds

3. Strengthening Governance and Transparency: Conduct regular social audits and implement digital monitoring systems + involve communities in planning

4. Capacity Building: Provide training and enhance administrative infrastructure.

5. Leveraging Technology: Employ geo-tagging and mobile apps for tracking and reporting


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