Everything You Need To Know About 1 August 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

1 August 2023 : Daily Current Affairs


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.





1. ISRO successfully puts Chandrayaan-3 in translunar orbit.

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


  • ISRO successfully performed the TransLunar Injection (TLI) for Chandrayaan-3, sending it towards the moon.
  • The TLI was performed from ISRO Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru.
  • Chandrayaan-3 is expected to reach the lunar orbit on August 5, where the Lunar-Orbit Insertion (LOI) will take place.

What is translunar orbit?

  • The translunar orbit is the trajectory or path taken by a spacecraft as it travels from Earth’s orbit to the moon’s orbit. During a space mission to the moon or beyond, a spacecraft needs to perform a specific maneuver called the TransLunar Injection (TLI) to leave Earth’s gravitational influence and set a course for the moon.
  • After launch and achieving Earth orbit, the spacecraft executes the TLI burn, which involves firing its engines at a precise moment and in a specific direction. This burn provides the necessary velocity to escape Earth’s gravitational pull and head towards the moon.
  • Once the spacecraft successfully performs the TLI, it enters the translunar orbit. It is an elliptical orbit around the Earth-Moon system that takes the spacecraft from the vicinity of Earth to the vicinity of the moon. As the spacecraft travels along this trajectory, it gradually approaches the moon’s gravitational influence.
  • Upon reaching the vicinity of the moon, additional orbital maneuvers are performed to slow down the spacecraft’s velocity and insert it into a lunar orbit. From there, the spacecraft can perform various scientific experiments, observations, or even landing activities on the moon’s surface.

2. Cinematograph Bill aimed at curbing piracy cleared by LS.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


  • The Lok Sabha passed the Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, 2023, after it was cleared by Rajya Sabha.

More Information about the news:

  • The Bill introduces penalties, including fines and imprisonment, for individuals recording movies inside theaters.
  • It expands the number of age ratings available to the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) for film censorship.
  • The censorship powers of the CBFC have been retained under the new Bill.
  • The Bill formalizes other practices that have evolved, including the facility to re-certify a film rated for adults for television.
  • Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Anurag Thakur, highlighted the anti-piracy provisions in the Bill, which are expected to benefit the film industry.

3. El Nino effect will suppress rainfall in the second half of the monsoon, says IMD

Topic: GS1 – Geography.


  • The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts “below normal” rainfall for August, the second rainiest month of the monsoon season.
  • A strengthening El Nino and absence of offsetting meteorological conditions will suppress rainfall in the second half of the monsoon.
  • The rainfall for the second half of the monsoon season (August – September) is expected to be normal (94-106% of the long period average) but leaning towards the negative side of normal.
  • The rainfall in August 2023 is very likely to be below normal (<94% of the long period average).

What is El Nino:

            El Niño is a climate phenomenon that occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean and has significant impacts on global weather patterns. It is characterized by the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, usually lasting for several months to a year or more.

 Key features of El Niño include:

  • Warming of Sea Surface Temperatures: The sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become unusually warm, often rising by 1°C or more above normal.
  • Changes in Atmospheric Circulation: The warm ocean waters release heat into the atmosphere, altering atmospheric circulation patterns. This can lead to changes in global weather patterns, such as the displacement of the jet stream and the positioning of high and low-pressure systems.
  • Impact on Weather and Climate: El Niño can cause a variety of weather and climate impacts, including increased rainfall and flooding in some regions (e.g., western South America and parts of Southeast Asia), droughts in others (e.g., Australia and parts of Africa), and changes in hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin.
  • Connection to La Niña: El Niño is part of a larger climate cycle known as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). El Niño is often followed by a period of cooling sea surface temperatures known as La Niña, which has its own set of weather and climate impacts.

            El Niño events can have significant social, economic, and environmental consequences, affecting agriculture, water resources, fisheries, and ecosystems worldwide.

4. Govt. floats draft National Deep Tech Start-up Policy

Topic: GS2 – Government policies


  • The Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government released a draft National Deep Tech Startup Policy (NDTSP) for public feedback.

Deep Tech Start-up Policy:

  • The policy aims to enhance India’s position in the global deep tech value chain, focusing on areas like semiconductors, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and space technology.
  • It aims to support research and development in deep tech start-ups, which work on fundamental and technical problems.
  • The policy aims to provide financing solutions to deep tech start-ups during critical stages before product or idea launch.
  • Simplification of the intellectual property regime, easing of regulatory requirements, and measures to promote deep tech start-ups are also part of the proposed policy.
  • It suggests the creation of an Export Promotion Board to facilitate Indian deep tech start-ups’ entry into foreign markets and inclusion of clauses for market access in foreign trade agreements.

5. ISRO gives PSLV C56 ‘second mission’ to fight debris

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


  • ISRO conducted a successful mission on July 30, placing seven Singaporean satellites into intended orbits using a PSLV rocket.

More information about the news:

  • After the primary mission, ISRO performed a unique experiment with the fourth stage of the rocket. The stage was lowered into a 300 km high orbit after placing customer satellites at 536 km altitude to mitigate the space debris problem.
  • The experiment was successful, reducing the stage’s duration in orbit from “decades” to “two months,” addressing space debris concerns.
  • The experiment aims to demonstrate conscious efforts to control the re-entry of the PSLV upper stage and mitigate space debris problems.
  • A similar exercise was undertaken in April during the PSLV-C55 mission using the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM) for scientific experiments.

For Enquiry




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