Everything You Need To Know About 12 August 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

12 August 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Centre seeks to overhaul British-era criminal laws.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


  • In a recent development, Union Home Minister Amit Shah introduced three significant Bills in the Lok Sabha aimed at repealing and replacing key British-era laws in India’s legal framework.

These bills are:

  1. Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Bill, 2023:
    • Replaces the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860.
    • Prescribes capital punishment for mob lynching.
    • Suggests a 10-year prison sentence for engaging in sexual intercourse with women on the false promise of marriage.
    • Exempts consensual sexual intercourse between a man and his wife, provided the wife is not below 18 years of age, from being considered as rape.
    • Repeals the section on sedition.
    • Defines terrorism and various offenses such as separatism, armed rebellion, and challenging the country’s sovereignty under a unified framework.
    • Introduces 313 amendments aimed at revolutionary changes in the criminal justice system.
  1. Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS) Bill, 2023:
    • Replaces the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.PC), 1898.
  1. Bharatiya Sakshya (BS) Bill, 2023:
    • Replaces the Indian Evidence Act (IEA), 1872.


These bills collectively mark a significant shift in India’s legal landscape by modernizing and updating outdated laws inherited from the British colonial era.

2. T.N. is committed to securing elephant corridors: Minister

Topic: GS3 – elephant conservation


  • Tamil Nadu is dedicated to securing elephant corridors, as affirmed by Supriya Sahu, Additional Chief Secretary for Environment, Climate Change, and Forests.
  • At the Tamil Nadu Elephant Conclave 2023 in Coimbatore, Supriya Sahu mentioned that the Elephant Corridor Committee has conducted field visits across elephant-spread areas in the state.

Importance of elephant corridors:

  • Habitat Connectivity: Elephant corridors provide a connected pathway between fragmented habitats, enabling elephants and other wildlife to move freely.
  • Gene Flow: Corridors facilitate genetic exchange among elephant populations, preventing inbreeding and maintaining genetic diversity.
  • Reduced Human-Wildlife Conflict: Corridors help elephants avoid human settlements, reducing conflicts and promoting coexistence.
  • Natural Behavior: Corridors allow elephants to engage in natural behaviors like foraging, mating, and social interactions, vital for their well-being.
  • Conservation: Protecting corridors supports elephant conservation by ensuring their survival and contributing to overall ecosystem health.
  • Tourism: Elephant movement through corridors can offer eco-tourism opportunities, benefiting local economies and promoting wildlife awareness.
  • Biodiversity: Corridors benefit various species, enhancing overall biodiversity by enabling movement of other animals as well.
  • Ecological Balance: Corridors maintain ecological balance by enabling seed dispersal and maintaining plant diversity.

3. SC Collegium firm on transfer of 24 HC judges

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity


  • The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the transfer of 24 judges from various High Courts across India.
  • Despite requests from some of the judges to reconsider their transfers, the Collegium has not retracted any of the proposed transfers.

What is collegium system of Supreme Court:

  • The collegium system is a system of judicial appointments in India that is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. It was developed by the Supreme Court through a series of judgments, beginning with the First Judges Case in 1981.
  • Under the collegium system, the Chief Justice of India (CJI) and four other senior-most judges of the Supreme Court form a collegium that is responsible for recommending the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the high courts. The government is not involved in the initial selection process, but it has the power to refuse to accept the collegium’s recommendations.
  • The collegium system has been criticized for being opaque and for giving too much power to the CJI. However, it has also been defended for ensuring the independence of the judiciary.
  • Here are some of the key features of the collegium system:
    1. The collegium is headed by the CJI and consists of four other senior-most judges of the Supreme Court.
    2. The collegium is responsible for recommending the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the high courts.
    3. The government is not involved in the initial selection process, but it has the power to refuse to accept the collegium’s recommendations.
    4. The collegium’s decisions are made by a majority vote.
    5. The collegium’s decisions are confidential.
  • In recent years, there have been calls for reform of the collegium system. Some people believe that the system should be more transparent, and that the government should have a greater role in the appointment process. Others believe that the system should be abolished altogether, and that a new system should be put in place.

Model question:  Discuss the merits and demerits of the Supreme Court collegium system of judicial appointments. Do you think the system should be reformed?

4. Centre defends use of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam in G-20 logo as China objects

Topic: GS2 – International relations


  • The Ministry of External Affairs defended the use of the Sanskrit term “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (The world is one family) in the G-20 logo.

More about the news:

  • They clarified that the official English version used is “One Earth, One Family, One Future” in summary documents and outcome statements.
  • Reports in the media had indicated that China objected to the use of non-UN languages like Sanskrit in any G-20 texts being negotiated.
  • Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi emphasized that the working language of the G-20 is English and the theme of India’s G-20 Presidency is “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” based on the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which is represented on the G-20 letterhead in both Devanagari script and English.

Official United Nations languages:

  1. Arabic
  2. Chinese
  3. English
  4. French
  5. Russian
  6. Spanish

These languages are used for official documents, meetings, and communication within the United Nations system to ensure that information is accessible and understood by member states and stakeholders from around the world.

5. Chinese military ship docks at Colombo Port for a ‘formal’ visit

Topic: GS2 – International relations


  • A Chinese warship, the Hai Yang 24 Hao of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, arrived in Colombo on Thursday and will remain at the Colombo Port until Saturday.
  • The visit occurs a year after the visit of another Chinese vessel led to diplomatic tensions between New Delhi and Colombo.

Concerns for India about growing China – Sri Lanka relations:

  • Strategic Influence: Increased Chinese presence and influence in Sri Lanka could potentially undermine India’s strategic interests in the Indian Ocean region.
  • String of Pearls: Sri Lanka’s proximity to key sea lanes raises concerns that Chinese involvement could contribute to the “String of Pearls” strategy, affecting India’s maritime security.
  • Hambantota Port: China’s control of the Hambantota Port could give it a naval and economic foothold in India’s immediate maritime neighborhood.
  • Military Activities: China’s naval activities in Sri Lanka could challenge India’s traditional dominance in the region and disrupt the existing balance of power.
  • Geopolitical Competition: Growing China-Sri Lanka ties may contribute to a broader geopolitical competition in the Indian Ocean between China and India, potentially escalating tensions.
  • Impact on Neighborhood: India’s concerns extend beyond bilateral relations, affecting the overall stability and balance of power in the South Asian neighborhood.
  • Regional Alliances: Closer China-Sri Lanka ties could influence Sri Lanka’s alignment with regional groupings, potentially impacting India’s relations with other nations in the region.

For Enquiry




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