Everything You Need To Know About 24 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

24 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs



Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Suspect dies in police custody; family alleges foul play.

Topic: GS2.


  • A 36-year-old man named Sheikh Sahadat was arrested on July 21 under the Arms Act in north-west Delhi’s Subhash Place police station.
  • The deceased’s family members accused the police of beating him up while in the lockup and claimed that they were not allowed to meet him.
  • The family demanded an impartial probe into the incident.

Custodial deaths in India:

  • Custodial deaths refer to the fatalities that occur while a person is in the custody of the police or other law enforcement agencies.
  • These incidents have been a cause of concern in India, raising questions about human rights, police accountability, and the need for justice reform.

Issues associated:

  • Issue of Torture and Brutality: One of the major issues associated with custodial deaths is the alleged use of torture and brutality by law enforcement officers. Human rights organizations have documented cases of abuse and violence, leading to serious injuries or fatalities.
  • Lack of Transparency: Transparency in investigations and reporting of custodial deaths is a significant concern. Often, there is a lack of adequate documentation, making it challenging to hold perpetrators accountable and provide justice to the victims’ families.
  • Delayed Justice: Custodial death cases often experience delays in the judicial process, leading to prolonged agony for the victims’ families. The slow legal proceedings hinder the timely delivery of justice and may erode public trust in the system.
  • Impunity and Lack of Accountability: Many custodial death cases do not result in convictions, and law enforcement officers often enjoy a degree of impunity. This lack of accountability raises questions about the effectiveness of internal disciplinary mechanisms.
  • Violation of Human Rights: Custodial deaths are a clear violation of human rights and the right to life enshrined in the Indian Constitution and international conventions.

Way forward:

  • Need for Police Reforms: Custodial deaths underscore the urgent need for police reforms in India. Strengthening internal oversight mechanisms, training in human rights, and promoting community policing can help address these issues.
  • Role of Independent Bodies: Independent oversight bodies, such as Human Rights Commissions, play a crucial role in investigating custodial deaths. Their impartial and transparent investigations are vital in ensuring justice and accountability.
  • Public Awareness and Advocacy: Raising public awareness about custodial deaths and advocating for the protection of human rights can create pressure on authorities to take necessary actions and bring about systemic reforms.
  • Importance of Rule of Law: Upholding the rule of law is crucial to prevent custodial deaths. Strict adherence to legal procedures, safeguarding detainees’ rights, and ensuring fair trials are essential steps towards a just and humane society.

Supreme Court judgements about custodial deaths:

  • DK Basu vs. State of West Bengal (1997): This landmark case laid down guidelines to be followed by the police and other law enforcement agencies during arrests and detentions. These guidelines are aimed at preventing custodial torture and deaths. The court emphasized the importance of informing the detainee’s family about their arrest and the right to access legal aid.
  • Prakash Singh vs. Union of India (2006): This case led to significant police reforms. The Supreme Court issued a series of directives known as the “Prakash Singh guidelines” to ensure police accountability and curb custodial violence. The judgment emphasized the need to establish Police Complaints Authorities at the state and district levels to investigate complaints against police officers.

2. BJP leaders face boycott in Haryana over Samrat Mihir Bhoj statue controversy

Topic: GS1 – history


  • Several villages in Rajasthan, dominated by the Rajput community, have imposed a ban on the entry of BJP leaders.
  • The ban was imposed in response to the unveiling of a statue of Samrat Mihir Bhoj, a 9th-century ruler, with the word ‘Gurjar’ inscribed on the plaque in Kaithal district.

More information about Samrat Mihir Bhoj:

Samrat Mihir Bhoj, also known as Mihir Bhoj I, was an ancient Indian king who ruled during the 9th century. He is often associated with the Gurjar dynasty and is considered an important figure in Indian history. Here are some key points about Samrat Mihir Bhoj:

  • Gurjar Dynasty: Mihir Bhoj was a prominent ruler of the Gurjar dynasty, which was a powerful and influential dynasty that ruled parts of northern India during the medieval period.
  • Legacy: Mihir Bhoj is remembered for his contributions to art, culture, and governance. He was known as a just and able ruler who focused on the welfare of his people.
  • Patron of the Arts: During his reign, Mihir Bhoj patronized various forms of art and culture. He supported poets, scholars, and artists, contributing to the flourishing of literature and other art forms.
  • Capital: His capital was at Kannauj, an important city in northern India during that time. Kannauj was a center of trade and culture and served as an important political and economic hub.
  • Historical Accounts: Much of the information about Samrat Mihir Bhoj comes from historical accounts, inscriptions, and literary works from the medieval period. Some of these accounts may vary, leading to debates among historians.
  • Legacy and Folklore: Over the centuries, several legends and folklore have been associated with Samrat Mihir Bhoj, adding to his mystique and significance in popular culture.

3. Will generic supply of bedaquiline be accessible?

Topic: GS3.


  • Bedaquiline is now considered crucial for curing drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
  • Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) patent on bedaquiline expired on July 18, allowing generic manufacturers to supply the drug.
  • However, J&J has filed secondary patents on bedaquiline till 2027 in 66 low- and middle-income countries, including those with a high burden of TB and MDR-TB.
  • This move by J&J has faced public outrage as it seeks to maintain its monopoly over the bedaquiline market.

About Bedaquiline:

  • Bedaquiline is an antibiotic drug used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
  • Bedaquiline works by targeting the mycobacteria responsible for TB, disrupting their energy production and stopping their growth.
  • The drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2012 and later by other regulatory agencies globally.
  • It is considered a “last resort” treatment for patients with MDR-TB when other options have failed or are not available.
  • Bedaquiline is typically used in combination with other drugs to form a comprehensive treatment regimen for MDR-TB.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended bedaquiline as a core drug for the treatment of MDR-TB.

4. Widespread support to PM’s proposal on AU membership.

Topic: GS3 – International relations.


  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed making the African Union (AU) a permanent member of the G-20.
  • The proposal received an overwhelming response from the G-20 grouping.

Information about African Union (AU):

  • The African Union (AU) is a continental organization consisting of 55 African countries.
  • It was established on May 26, 2001, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and officially launched on July 9, 2002.
  • The AU’s predecessor was the Organization of African Unity (OAU), founded in 1963, and the AU was formed to promote unity, cooperation, and development among African nations.
  • The AU aims to achieve greater political and economic integration among its member states and advance the continent’s socio-economic development.
  • Its headquarters is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • The AU’s decision-making body is the Assembly of the African Union, which meets annually and consists of the heads of state and government of member countries.
  • The organization is guided by key documents, including the Constitutive Act of the African Union and Agenda 2063, which outlines a vision for Africa’s development over the next 50 years.
  • The AU focuses on addressing various challenges, including conflict resolution, peacekeeping, human rights, economic development, and infrastructure improvement.
  • One of the AU’s key initiatives is the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to create a single market for goods and services across the continent, fostering intra-African trade and economic growth.

For Enquiry




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