Everything You Need To Know About 25 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

25 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs



Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Israel’s controversial judicial reform Bill gets Parliament nod.

Topic: GS2 – International legal developments


  • Israel’s hard-right government has passed a key clause of its controversial judicial reform package in Parliament.

For information about the news:

  • The reform aims to limit the powers of the Supreme Court in striking down government decisions deemed “unreasonable” by the judges.
  • Critics argue the judicial revamp will undermine Israel’s liberal democracy by removing checks and balances on the executive, while the government asserts it is necessary to curb judicial overreach.
  • The reform package has triggered one of the largest protest movements in Israel’s history since its introduction in January.

Significance: can be important from prelims perspective.

2. Gujjars, Bakerwals to hit the streets over ST tag for Paharis

Topic: GS2


  • Protest rallies by Gujjars and Bakerwals in Jammu and Kashmir are opposing the inclusion of upper caste Paharis in the Schedule Tribe (ST) list.

Why in the news?

  • The protesters view the move as a grave provocation by the BJP, accusing it of being anti-tribal and trying to pit one community against another.
  • The Centre introduced three Bills in Parliament, including the Constitution (J&K) Scheduled Castes Order (Amendment) Bill, 2023; the Constitution (J&K) Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Bill, 2023; and the J&K Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023.
  • Once passed, the Bills will grant ST status to Paharis, Gadda Brahmins, and Koli in the Union Territory.


3. ISRO to launch PSLV-C56 carrying Singapore’s new imaging satellite

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


  • The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch the PSLV-C56 carrying Singapore’s DS-SAR satellite on July 30 from Sriharikota.

More information about the news:

  • The PSLV-C56 will be configured in its core-alone mode, similar to the C55 launch. It will place the 360 kg DS-SAR satellite into a near-equatorial orbit at 5 degrees inclination and 535 km altitude.
  • DS-SAR is a partnership between DSTA (representing the Government of Singapore) and ST Engineering. It carries a Synthetic Aperture Radar payload developed by Israel Aerospace Industries, enabling all-weather day and night coverage with 1m resolution at full polarimetry.
  • The launch will also include six other satellites: VELOX-AM, Atmospheric Coupling and Dynamics Explorer (ARCADE), SCOOB-II, NuLIoN by NuSpace, Galassia-2, and ORB-12 STRIDER, each with its specific technology demonstration or mission objectives.

4. What are the provisions of the Rajasthan Platform-Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill?

Topic: GS3 – gig economy.


  • The Rajasthan government passed the Rajasthan Platform Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill, 2023, the first legislation in India outlining welfare schemes for approximately three lakh gig workers in the state. 

More information about the Rajasthan government’s law:

  • The Bill applies to “aggregators” and “primary employers” engaging platform-based workers and proposes a Welfare Board comprising representatives from gig workers, aggregators, and civil society to set up a welfare fund and provide social security to gig workers.
  • The welfare fund will be funded by contributions from individual workers, state government aids, other sources, and a ‘welfare cess’ collected from each transaction by aggregators.
  • Gig workers’ rights are recognized, allowing anyone to be registered with the platform-based platform upon joining, regardless of the duration or number of providers they work for.
  • The Welfare Board is expected to formulate schemes for social security, including accidental and health insurance, and other benefits concerning health, accident, and education.
  • Workers can file grievances related to entitlements, payments, and benefits through physical or online petitions before an officer or an Appellate Authority.
  • Aggregators are held accountable for timely depositing the welfare cess, updating the database of gig workers, and complying with the Bill’s provisions, with penalties for non-compliance.

5. ICMR argues for controlled human infection studies

Topic: GS3 Health sector.


  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has introduced a consensus policy statement advocating for controlled human infection studies (CHIS) in India.

More information about the news:

  • CHIS involves intentionally exposing healthy volunteers to pathogens in a controlled environment for the purpose of studying diseases and developing vaccines and treatments.
  • The ICMR’s Bioethics Unit has addressed ethical concerns associated with CHIS, including deliberate harm, disproportionate payment, third-party risk, and research with vulnerable participants.
  • India carries a high burden of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases, making novel and efficient research methods essential for disease prevention and reduction.
  • CHIS offers unique insights into disease pathogenesis, accelerates the development of medical interventions, and provides cost-effective and efficient outcomes using smaller sample sizes compared to large clinical trials.
  • The ICMR emphasizes the need for streamlined ethics review processes and additional safeguards to protect study participants in CHIS.
  • Collaboration between researchers, institutions, organizations, and countries may be necessary to address the complexities of CHIS effectively.


6. Semiconductors: what exactly is India going to manufacture?

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


  • India is waking up to opportunities in the semiconductor industry, which could provide access to advanced technologies and create skilled jobs.

Why in the news?

  • Foxconn recently withdrew its support from a joint venture with Vedanta to establish a semiconductor manufacturing plant in Gujarat, posing a setback.
  • A semiconductor chip is composed of transistors made from materials like silicon, which encode and manipulate information using 0s and 1s.
  • The term “semiconductor node” refers to the size of transistors on a chip, historically based on the gate length and metal pitch, but this convention has changed over time.
  • India’s focus is on developing chips using legacy nodes, like 28 nm or higher, which are cost-effective and useful for applications such as robotics, defense, automobiles, and IoT.
  • Legacy nodes are still in demand and can offer advantages in specific industries, making them a sensible starting point for India’s semiconductor journey.

For Enquiry




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