Everything You Need To Know About 3 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

3 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs



Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Shortage of Majors & Captains in units, Army may cut HQ postings

Syllabus – GS III

Recent Context – Facing an acute shortage of officers at the Major and Captain levels, the Army is planning to reduce the posting of staff officers at various headquarters to overcome their shortage in units.

Staff Appointment

  • A staff appointment refers to a posting in a headquarters where the officer handles policy and coordination of various subjects, as against a unit appointment where the officer is primarily responsible for operations and ground actions.
  • The exposure to staff appointments prepares them for subsequent command appointments in the course of their service.
  • Currently, mid-level officers in the rank of Major are given their first exposure to staff appointments in various corps, command and division headquarters on completing around six years of service.


  • There is a shortage of 8,129 officers in the Army, including the Army Medical Corps and Army Dental Corps. In the Navy and the Indian Air Force, there is a shortage of 1,653 and 721 officers, respectively.
  • Taking note of this shortage of officers, the Army had earlier posted 461 non-empanelled officers to certain staff appointments wherever possible.
  • Towards this, it is being proposed that these junior and mid-level officers, currently posted in staff appointments in various headquarters, be posted out without relief once they complete their slated tenure of 24 months.

Way Ahead

  • The Army is considering posting re-employed officers for such appointments.
  • Re-employed officers are those who serve in the Army for two to four years after their retirement from the service and are in the ranks of Brigadier and Colonels.
  • While officers retiring from the service are re-employed to tackle the shortage of officers in the Army, they serve in appointments meant for a rank below their retiring rank.
  • Most retire as Colonels and Brigadiers and serve in appointments meant for Lt Colonels and Colonels, while very few who retire as Lt Colonels get appointments meant for Majors.
  • The Army has around 600 re-employed officers at present.
  • Reemployment in the Army is voluntary. Re-employed officers are much senior to the existing staff officers, and some of them would have already held such appointments 20-25 years ago.

2. French mayor’s house raided, set ablaze by rioters as violence goes into 5th night.

Syllabus – GS II

Recent Context – The home of a Paris suburb mayor was ram-raided and set ablaze. Over 700 arrests were made, and the situation was relatively quieter; 45,000 personnel were on duty.

Why has France been engulfed by protests – again?

  • The latest protests erupted after Nahel, a boy of Algerian descent, was shot dead by the French police for allegedly not having a driver’s license.
  • A few months after it witnessed massive protests over pension reforms, France is on the boil again. Over the last four days, protests have swept across France following the death of a young manas a result of the excessive use of force by the police on June 27.
  • Large-scale protests were first reported in suburban Paris and have now spread to a few other cities in France.

What has President Macron said?

  • French President Emmanuel Macron has appealed for calm and termed the death of Nahel as “unforgivable and inexplicable”.
  • He has also said that “Violence against police stations, schools, town halls, against the Republic, is unjustifiable” in a tweet.
  • The government has held meetings on taking steps to calm the situation, and police deployment is likely to be increased.
  • Emergency was last imposed following weeks of rioting in France in 2005, when two boys fleeing police, in an attempt to hide, got electrocuted in a power substation.
  • Concerns have been raised over a possible repetition of that time when thousands were arrested amid protests.
  • The government’s “crisis unit” has been activated until further notice.

For Enquiry




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