Everything You Need To Know About 31 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

31 July 2023 : Daily Current Affairs


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.





1. Hurdles to overcome before becoming ‘Digital India’.

Topic: GS3 – Digital India


  • The digital payments system in India has grown significantly in recent years, with UPI (United Payments Interface) playing a major role in driving this growth.

More information about the news:

  • UPI has witnessed a rapid increase in value and volume of transactions, outpacing other payment modes like NEFT, IMPS, and debit cards.
  • The popularity of UPI has led to its share in the total value of digital retail payments increasing from less than 20% in mid-2021 to about 27% in March 2023.
  • While the increasing popularity of UPI-based payments has the potential to improve financial inclusion, there are still challenges in achieving comprehensive financial inclusion.

Challenges to financial inclusion:

  • India has made progress in increasing the number of bank accounts, but a significant percentage of these accounts are inactive, which affects overall financial inclusion.
  • Digital transactions in India still have a gender gap, with fewer women engaging in digital payments compared to men.
  • There is also a rural-urban divide in digital payments in India, with a lower percentage of rural population participating in digital transactions compared to urban areas.
  • India’s digital payment figures are lower compared to other developing countries like Vietnam, Brazil, China, and Kenya, indicating that there is room for further growth and improvement in the country’s digital payments ecosystem.

2. HC to govt.: ensure 5% quota for differently abled students in educational institutions

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity


  • The Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi government and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University to ensure 5% reservation for differently-abled candidates in all educational institutions as mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act, 2016.
  • The order came in response to a plea by Justice For All, an NGO, which alleged that the university was not providing the full 5% reservation as required by the Act.

Need for reservation to differently abled students:

  • Differently-abled students face various challenges and barriers in accessing education and opportunities.
  • The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act, 2016, mandates 5% reservation for differently-abled candidates in educational institutions.
  • Reservation ensures inclusivity and equal opportunities for disabled students in higher education.
  • It promotes diversity and empowers differently-abled individuals to pursue academic and career goals.
  • Educational institutions must follow the RPWD Act to provide fair and equitable access to education for all students, including the differently-abled.

3. States’ lax response to lynching

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity


  • The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) filed a petition questioning the inaction of the Indian government and several states in preventing mob violence and lynching of Muslims by cow vigilantes.

More Information about the news:

  • The petition seeks an examination of police apathy, constitutional violations, and breach of “duty of care” towards victims of mob violence and lynching.
  • The Supreme Court had previously issued a judgment in Tehseen Poonawala vs Union of India in 2018 against vigilantism and had given seven remedial directions to the states to prevent such crimes.
  • The remedial directions included the appointment of designated nodal officers, lodging of immediate FIRs, personal monitoring of investigations, and compensation for victims.
  • Inaction by the governments: The Centre and states are also facing a separate contempt petition for non-compliance with the Tehseen Poonawala judgment, and the Supreme Court has directed them to file a status report on the steps taken to prevent and address lynching cases.

4. What is the Worldcoin project?

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.

What is the Worldcoin project? 

  • Worldcoin is an initiative to create a digital network that allows everyone to claim some stake and join the digital economy.
  • Users can get a World ID by having their irises scanned using a biometric device called “Orb” operated by volunteers known as “Orb operators.”
  • With the World ID, users can claim the WLD cryptocurrency and use it for transactions or hold it as an asset.
  • Worldcoin scans irises to ensure uniqueness and avoid duplication, and it claims to use zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to maintain users’ privacy.
  • The company has faced criticism, including from Edward Snowden, for its use of biometric data and concerns about privacy.
  • Worldcoin has launched its operations in India, with Orb operators scanning people’s irises at various locations in Delhi, Noida, and Bangalore.

Significance: information can be important from prelims perspective.

5. Post-quantum cryptography: securing data in the age of quantum computers

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.

About Post-quantum cryptography:

  • Quantum computing has the potential to break many of the current security algorithms, which rely on hard mathematical problems.
  • Post-quantum cryptography involves exploring alternative techniques to counter vulnerabilities against quantum attacks.
  • Some symmetric security algorithms, such as AES, are not badly affected by quantum computing.
  • Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, allowing for a different kind of computation that is very powerful.
  • Currently, quantum computing is still in its early stages and faces many challenges and errors, but experts believe it will eventually become a reality.
  • It is crucial to transition quickly and carefully to technologies secure against quantum attacks to protect against potential threats from quantum computers.

6. PSLV puts seven satellites in orbit, four more missions this year.

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.

What is in the news?

  • ISRO successfully launched PSLV-C56 carrying Singapore’s DS-SAR and six other satellites.
  • The rocket lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.
  • DS-SAR satellite was developed under a partnership between the DSTA and ST Engineering.
  • Co-passenger satellites included VELOX-AM, Atmospheric Coupling and Dynamics Explorer (ARCADE), SCOOB-II, NuLIoN by NuSpace, Galassia-2, and ORB-12 STRIDER.
  • After placing all satellites into orbit, the PS4 stage was brought back to a lower orbit to reduce space debris.
  • ISRO plans to launch four more missions this year, including another PSLV mission in August or early September.

7. Cell-free DNA promises to transform how we find diseases in advance

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.

Potential applications of cell-free DNA:

  • Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) refers to small fragments of nucleic acids released from cells into body fluids, and it has been known since 1948.
  • Advances in genome sequencing technologies have enabled researchers to utilize cfDNA to understand human diseases and improve diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis.
  • One of the most widely used applications of cfDNA is non-invasive prenatal testing, allowing screening of foetuses for specific chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down’s syndrome.
  • Another emerging application of cfDNA is in the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers. Researchers have developed a test called “GEMINI” using whole-genome sequencing of cfDNA to detect lung cancer with high accuracy.
  • CfDNA has potential applications in various fields, including organ transplantation, biomarkers for neurological disorders, stroke, metabolic disorders, and more. It promises to revolutionize disease screening and early diagnosis.

For Enquiry




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