
21 November : Daily Current Affairs Quiz

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21-11-2024 Daily Quiz

1 / 5

Recently, the Prime Minister of India highlighted seven key pillars to strengthen India-CARICOM relations. In the context of international relations, what does CARICOM refer to:


2 / 5

Which of the following organizations published the "State of the World’s Children 2024" report?

3 / 5

Which of the following is the primary objective of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)?


4 / 5

The Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) is a nodal body for the adoption of Indian children. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding CARA?


5 / 5

The National Food Security Act, 2013, aims to provide subsidized food grains to a large section of the population. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding the Act?

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