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11 September 2024 : Indian Express Editorial Analysis

1. Peace & its possibilities

(Source: Indian Express; Section: The Ideas Page; Page: 11)

Topic: GS2– International Relations
The article discusses the evolving peace diplomacy surrounding the Ukraine conflict as it enters its third year.

The Growing Incentives for Peace in Ukraine

  • As the fighting season in Ukraine draws to a close, a new wave of peace diplomacy is taking shape. Both Russia and Ukraine have seen the war extend into its third year, and the stakes for ending the conflict appear higher than ever.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin recently signaled openness to peace initiatives from key global powers like Brazil, China, and India.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has similarly expressed interest in engaging leaders from the Global South to help mediate peace.
  • The diplomatic landscape is shifting, but it is crucial to understand the roles different nations, particularly India, can play in this evolving context.

India’s Peace Diplomacy: Possibilities and Limitations

  • India has consistently advocated for dialogue and peace since the onset of Russia’s invasion in February 2022. However, supporting peace in principle is distinct from having the capacity to broker it.
  • For Delhi to consider a more active role, it must recognize the complex dynamics at play. Historically, peace in Europe has involved negotiations between major powers, especially the U.S. and Russia. After World War II and the Cold War, it was these two nations that shaped the European security order.
  • Russia is now pushing for a new framework, and the U.S. remains the only actor with enough influence to mediate such a reorganization. While India can offer support, the keys to peace ultimately lie in Washington and Moscow’s ability to find common ground.

The Role of U.S. Politics in the Peace Process

  • Both Russia and Ukraine are keenly aware that the U.S. holds a significant role in any potential peace settlement.
  • The upcoming U.S. presidential election adds further complexity to the situation. Putin and Zelenskyy are closely watching the political developments in the U.S., as the outcome could heavily influence American policy toward the conflict.
  • Zelenskyy is actively working to maintain U.S. support, and his visit to the United Nations General Assembly in New York is part of his broader effort to keep Ukraine’s cause on the agenda.
  • While the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for renewed peace efforts, including Russia’s participation in upcoming talks, the U.S. election remains a pivotal factor in determining the future of the war.

Hungary’s Peace Efforts and EU Divisions

  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has taken on a more direct role in seeking peace, having met with key figures like Putin, Xi Jinping, and Donald Trump over the summer.
  • Orban’s peace initiative, however, highlights a growing divide within the European Union. While he believes that the U.S., China, and the EU have the power to influence the war’s trajectory, the EU itself remains fractured on how to approach the conflict.
  • Brussels has distanced itself from Orban’s efforts, insisting that his views do not reflect the official stance of the EU. Despite this, Orban continues to advocate for peace, underlining the broader trend of “peace fatigue” within Europe as financial strains and political challenges mount.

India’s Strategic Considerations in Ukraine

  • For India, the most critical consideration in the Ukraine conflict is the geopolitical reshuffling that could emerge from the war.
  • Major conflicts often lead to a reordering of both regional and global power structures. Europe is already heading toward a potential restructuring of its geopolitical landscape, which will have direct consequences for India.
  • The ongoing war has pressured India’s economic and security policies, underscoring the need for a resolution that stabilizes Europe and allows India to focus on its growth and security objectives.
  • In this regard, India’s diplomatic efforts should be aimed at aligning itself with emerging peace initiatives while preparing for the broader shifts in global power dynamics that the war in Ukraine may trigger.
What are the emerging opportunities which make India-Ukraine relations significant?

The possibility of post-war reconstruction in Ukraine offers various opportunities for India.

1. Room for enhanced defence cooperation– Ukraine’s urgent need for weapons creates an opportunity for India to shed the virtually obsolete Soviet arms. India can swap its Soviet hardware and ammunition for Western ammunition, as India pivots away from Soviet and Russian weapons to NATO systems.

2. Geo- strategic cooperation in Indian Ocean– Military cooperation with Ukraine could be a strategic game-changer for India, especially in the Indian Ocean. Ukraine’s modern, low cost and innovative waterborne technology, outsmarted the Russia’s vastly superior Black Sea Fleet. India can use Ukraine’s expertise to counter China in the Indian Ocean region.

3. Shift of Production bases to India– Close cooperation between India and Ukraine can help in shifting production bases of Ukrainian manufacturing companies in India. For ex- Shifting of the gas turbine manufacturing company, Zorya-Mashproekt’s base in India.

4. Enhanced employment opportunities– Ukraine’s future reconstruction will offer huge opportunities for India’s strained labour market.

5. Enhanced cooperation in Digital sector– India’s deepened relations with Ukraine, can enhance the digital cooperation between the two nations and can be game changer for governance of both countries. For ex- Indian electronic voting machines could prove invaluable to wartime Ukraine, while Ukraine’s ground-breaking DIIA app, which places government documents and services securely in one’s smart phone, could revolutionise Indian governance.

Practice Question:  Discuss the potential role of India in peace diplomacy for the ongoing Ukraine conflict. What are the key limitations and geopolitical implications that India should consider while engaging in the peace process? (250 words/15 m)


(Source: Indian Express; Section: The Editorial Page; Page: 10)

Topic: GS1– Indian Society
The article highlights the growing suicide crisis in India, emphasizing the need for a broader public health approach beyond traditional mental health interventions.

The Rising Suicide Crisis: A Public Health Emergency

  • The recent suicides of students at IIT Guwahati highlight a growing public health crisis in India. The issue is not isolated but part of a much larger national and global problem.
  • According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 1.71 lakh people died by suicide in India in 2022, with a rate of 12.4 per 100,000 individuals—the highest ever recorded.
  • On a global scale, approximately 726,000 people died by suicide in the same year.
  • These alarming statistics underscore the inadequacies of the current medical model in addressing suicide and call for a more comprehensive public health approach.

Limitations of the Conventional Suicide Prevention Model

  • Traditionally, suicide prevention efforts have focused on individual risk factors such as mental illness, substance abuse, and family history. This is reflected in India’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy, introduced in 2022, which aims to establish surveillance mechanisms, offer psychiatric services, and integrate mental well-being into education.
  • However, as pointed out by The Lancet Public Health series, this approach overlooks broader social determinants like economic policies, healthcare accessibility, and cultural values.
  • Factors like poverty, unemployment, and social inequities play a critical role in exacerbating self-harm tendencies, suggesting that a narrow focus on mental health alone is insufficient.

The Need for a Broader Socioeconomic Perspective

  • Suicide prevention needs to be addressed on a larger scale, factoring in macroeconomic and social policies that could reduce the underlying causes of distress.
  • For instance, in the U.S., studies have shown that a $1 increase in the minimum wage between 2006 and 2016 was associated with 8,000 fewer suicides annually.
  • Similarly, poverty alleviation, improved healthcare access, and reduced homelessness could significantly reduce suicide rates.
  • Policies targeting these broader determinants, combined with mental health interventions, could create a more holistic approach to preventing suicides.

The Scope of the Problem in India

  • In India, the scale of suicides spans multiple vulnerable populations. NCRB data from 2022 reveals that 154 farmers and daily-wage laborers died by suicide each day, while over 13,000 student suicides were recorded in the same year.
  • These statistics reflect deep-rooted social and economic pressures that demand creative and inclusive policy solutions.
  • Addressing this crisis requires the government to expand its suicide prevention strategy to include socioeconomic reforms that leave no demographic behind, ensuring that the root causes of distress are addressed alongside mental health care.
What are the Challenges Related to Suicide Prevention in India?
  • Lack of Resources: The healthcare system in India often lacks the resources to provide adequate mental health support. 
  • Despite recent efforts, India still faces a shortage of mental health professionals and limited access to affordable mental healthcare, especially in rural areas, amplifying the mental health crisis and contributing to the rise in suicides.
  • Insufficient Data Collection: Inadequate reporting, lack of comprehensive studies, and under-reporting of suicide attempts hinder understanding the extent of the crisis and designing effective interventions.
  • Lack of Political Will: Both central and state governments show insufficient commitment. Political leaders often exhibit a fatalistic attitude towards suicide prevention, believing it cannot be completely eliminated.
  • Despite the introduction of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 and the NSPS, there are significant gaps in the implementation of policies.
  • Inadequate Media Involvement: The media often lacks the will to educate itself on responsible reporting of suicides. Proper guidelines for media reporting of suicides need to be developed and followed.

What are the Initiatives Related to Suicide Prevention in India?

  • National Mental Health Programme (NMHP):District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) is Implemented in 738 districts, offering outpatient services, counselling, continuing care, and a 10-bedded inpatient facility at the district level.
  • National Tele Mental Health Programme: Launched in 2022 to improve access to quality mental health counselling and care services across the country.
  • As of December 2023, 34 States/UTs have established 46 Tele MANAS Cells, handling over 500,000 calls on the helpline.
  • The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched a 24/7 toll-free helpline “KIRAN” to provide mental health support.
  • Ayushman Arogya Mandirs: More than 1.6 lakh Sub-Health Centres (SHCs), Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Urban Primary Health Centres (UPHCs), and Urban Health and Wellness Centres (UHWCs) have been upgraded to Ayushman Arogya Mandirs.
  • Mental health services are included in the Comprehensive Primary Health Care package at these centres. Guidelines on Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders (MNS) have been released underAyushman Bharat.
  • Manodarpan Initiative: Manodarpan is an initiative of the Ministry of Education under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan to provide psychosocial support for mental health and well-being during Covid-19.
PYQ: Explain why suicide among young women is increasing in Indian society. (150 words/10m) (UPSC CSE (M) GS-1 2023)
Practice Question:  Examine the limitations of the conventional suicide prevention model in India. How can addressing broader social and economic determinants enhance the effectiveness of suicide prevention strategies? (250 words/15 m)

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