Everything You Need To Know About 16 June 2023 : Indian Express

16 June 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express


The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world.




1. Prepare, not provoke, tweak plans on need: India strategy for LAC

Syllabus – GS III

Recent Context – 3 years after the Galwan clash


Ten Indian soldiers, including two Majors, two Captains and six jawans, were detained by the Chinese for almost three days before being handed back after several rounds of negotiations.

Post-Galwan Continuation of Military Tensions

  • India has more than 50,000 troops in Eastern Ladakh, with deployment at forward posts throughout the year.
  • On the ground, after 18 rounds of military-level talks, India and China have disengaged at five so-called ”friction points”.

India’s Loss at Patrolling Points

  • The Chinese intrusions remain at Depsang Plain and Demchok areas.
  • As per Intelligence Bureau Report – India had lost access to almost 26 out of 65 patrolling points in Eastern Ladakh due to restrictive or no patrolling by Indian security forces.
  • The creation of demilitarized buffer zones where disengagement has taken place leads to “a shift in the border under Indian control”.
  • New Delhi must convey to Beijing that these zones are not a resolution of the problem but a step to prevent unintended consequences.
  • China is also creating infrastructure, including two bridges on its side of Pangong Lake.

Indo – US Defence Partnership

  • Joint Interest of India and USA to contain growing Chinese aggression.
  • India comes out as a natural ally for the USA to counter China.
  • With China’s belligerence showing no signs of abating, the prospect of a “path-breaking” defence-industrial partnership with the USA is welcome.


  • No state or corporation parts willingly with precious technology; we must be prepared to pay a significant price.
  • Our technical personnel must acquire advanced expertise in arcane disciplines related to diverse fields so that they become future designers and creators – not mere assembles of knocked-down kits.

2. Brij Bhushan booked for sexual harassment, gets closure in POCSO case

Syllabus – GS II, GS IV

Recent Context – Demand of Indian Wrestlers to Look into the unethical practices

Salient Features of the POCSO Act

  • Enacted in 2012 to provide legal protection to children from sexual abuse, exploitation and pornography.
  • It mandates reporting of such cases, medical examination and counselling of the child, compensation and rehabilitation of the victim, and protection of the identity and privacy of the child.

Earlier Provisions

Child sexual abuse was prosecuted under the following sections of the Indian Penal Code:

IPC Section 375 – Rape

IPC Section 354 – Outraging the modesty of a woman

IPC Section 377 – Unnatural offences


  • IPC 375 do not have the provisions to protect male victims or anyone from sexual acts of penetration except traditional peno-vaginal Intercourse.
  • IPC 354 does not have a statutory definition of modesty. It carries a weak penalty. Further, it does not protect the ‘’modesty’’ of a male child.
  • The term ‘unnatural offences’ is not defined in IPC 377. It is not designed To criminalize the sexual abuse of children.

Things to Know about the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO Act)

  • Gender neutral Act
  • Different forms of sexual abuse are included here. Penetrative and non-penetrative assault are defined in the Act.
  • It provides for the establishment of special courts for the trial of such offences.
  • Under section 45 of the Act, the central government has the power to make rules.
  • The National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and State Commissions for the Protection of Child Rights (SCPCRs) are the designated authority to monitor the implementation. Both are statutory bodies.
  • The Act seeks mandatory reporting of sexual offences. A false complaint intending to defame a person is punishable under the Act.

3. Mulund blasts accused SIMI leader detained in Canada

Syllabus – GS III

Recent Context – Mumbai police have begun the process of seeking extradition of Chaneparambil Mohammed Bashir, alleged SIMI leader.

Mulund Blasts Incident

On December 6, 2002, an explosion occurred in the main lobby of Mumbai Central railway station. Over a month later, on January 27, 2003, another blast took place at a market in the western suburbs of Vile Parle. The third blast occurred on March 13, 2003, in a local train compartment at Mulund. Twelve persons had lost their lives in these blasts.

SIMI (Students’ Islamic Movement of India)

  • It came into existence on April 25, 1977, at Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh, as an organization of youth and students with faith in the Jamaat-e-Islami-Hind (JEIH), which declared itself independent in 1993.
  • It aims to mobilize students/youth in the propagation of Islam and obtain support for Jehaad. The organization also emphasizes on the formation of ‘Shariat’ based Islamic rule through ‘Islami Inqalab’. The organization does not believe in a nation-state or in the Indian Constitution, including its secular nature. It further regards idol worship as a sin and propagates its ‘duty’ to end such practices”.
  • It has been banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967.

Red Corner Notice

  • Red Corner Notices are issued for fugitives wanted either to serve a sentence or for prosecution.
  • A Red Notice requests law enforcement agencies globally to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending surrender, extradition, or similar legal action.
  • Further, INTERPOL has designated a National Central Bureau in all its 195 member countries as a single point of contact between law enforcement agencies of that member and INTERPOL.
  • In this regard, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is officially designated as the National Central Bureau of India, entrusted with the responsibility to publish, maintain and update the Red Corner Notices against fugitives/offenders as requested by Law enforcement agencies of India from time to time.

For Enquiry




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