Everything You Need To Know About 2 Dec 2023 : Indian Express

2 Dec 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express


1) New India, new diplomacy


  • The article evaluates India’s diplomatic evolution and highlights the need of quick and astute communication in foreign policy.
  • It compares and contrasts the new proactive and assertive approach with the previous decades of diplomatic numbness, attributing this change to potent one-liners and decisive acts.

Historical Perspective:

  • This article considers India’s foreign policy history and highlights a pattern of hesitation and perceived weakness in international affairs.
  • Although there were a few notable exceptions, like Indira Gandhi’s participation in the 1971 Bangladesh War and her 1988 intervention in the Maldives, she was generally seen as a pushover.

Diplomatic Transformation in the Last Decade:

  • According to the article, India’s diplomatic strategy has changed significantly during the past ten years.
  • It dispels the myth that clever one-liners are ineffective by praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Foreign Minister S Jaishankar for their ability to articulate India’s position on the international scene.

Impact of Effective Communication:

  • The analysis shows how the remarks resonated globally and made their way into international declarations.
  • It gives examples of powerful one-liners, such as PM Modi’s advise to Putin on the situation in Ukraine.
  • The direct communication style of Foreign Minister Jaishankar is commended for its influence on shaping international diplomacy and bilateral ties.

Shift in India-China Relations:

  • The article highlights how India-China ties have changed over time, using Jaishankar’s ideas of respect, interest, and reciprocity as the cornerstones of a new bilateralism.
  • It attributes the ability to communicate a shift in policy in handling difficult situations to India’s assertive ground posturing and aggressive diplomacy.

Handling Accusations and Global Standing:

  • It is noted how India’s unwavering response to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s charges is an example of diplomatic resolve.
  • The article reaffirms India’s hope that friendly nations, such as the US, will not permit forces endangering India’s integrity to exploit their territory.

Global Recognition and Leadership Standing:

  • The article emphasizes India’s position in the world, pointing out that before taking significant foreign policy decisions, politicians from all around the world take India’s viewpoint into account.
  • Both Foreign Minister Jaishankar and Prime Minister Modi are seen as significant individuals, and India’s diplomacy is described as direct and agile.


  • The analysis culminates by highlighting the shift in India’s diplomatic approach, ascribed to efficacious communication and resolute measures.
  • The present diplomatic strategy is characterised as agile and direct, hence establishing India as a significant participant in the international arena.



  • The article explores the Indian government’s effort to streamline legal terminology, equating the intricacies of British common law history with the power relations found in religious writings.
  • The objective of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to promote “Access to Justice” by making legal terminology more understandable is the main emphasis of this article.

Constitutional Principle and Historical Context:

  • The analysis highlights the idea that the Constitution and its legal language should be understandable to common individuals by citing B.R. Ambedkar’s arguments in the Constituent Assembly.
  • It highlights the historical background while arguing that legal complexity shouldn’t be a barrier to understanding for the average person.

“Access to Justice” and Proactive Measures:

  • The definition of “access to justice” is the understanding of the critical role that legal language plays in expressing rights and obligations.
  • The government’s proactive approach to streamlining legal drafting is recognized; the IPC’s Sections 213 and 214 require explanation.

Corrective Measures and Ambiguity Resolution:

  • The analysis highlights the necessity of corrective actions, such as simplifications, to overcome historical ambiguities in legal frameworks.
  • It emphasizes the dedication to making legal jargon more understandable and fixing complexities that confused both the public and legal professionals.

Global Recognition and Digital India Integration:

  • The government’s dedication to streamlining legal terminology becomes internationally known, establishing India as a leader in the implementation of progressive policies.
  • It emphasizes the interaction with the Digital India program and the use of technology to improve accessibility.
  • One democratic approach to the simplification process is to highlight public involvement.

Holistic Approach and Legal Empowerment:

  • The analysis supports the government’s goal of creating a legal system in which language serves as a conduit to justice.
  • The goal of projects like the creation of a thorough lexicon, the simplification of legislation, and the creation of summaries in plain language is to give residents a sense of legal empowerment.

Constitution Day Celebration and Impact Assessment:

  • The government’s commitment to justice through streamlined legal language is underscored during the recent Constitution Day ceremony.
  • The report highlights the reduction in legal conflicts as a result of ongoing measures, highlighting the value of promoting a legal framework that is simpler and easier to understand.

Global Economic Competitiveness and Youth Empowerment:

  • India’s dedication to streamlining legal jargon is acknowledged both nationally and internationally as a major factor in the country’s increased economic competitiveness.
  • The focus on promoting legislative writing as a desirable professional path fits with a larger goal of young empowerment by providing important legal knowledge.

Transformative Journey and Inclusive Justice:

  • The dedication to making legal language more understandable is presented as a revolutionary step toward inclusive justice.
  • The government wants to change the perception of justice by tearing down obstacles made of complicated legalese and establishing it as a fundamental right rather than a privilege for all people.


  • The resolve to simplify legal language is reaffirmed in the conclusion as being more than just administrative; rather, it is a revolutionary step toward inclusive justice, where justice is available to everyone.

For Enquiry




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