Everything You Need To Know About 5 September 2023 : Indian Express

5 September 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express


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1) G20, a pathfinder


  • India is all set to host the G20 summit in New Delhi from 9th-10th
  • All eyes would be on the key takeaways from this summit under India’s leadership.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

  • For a G20 summit that is about reviving, reforming, and defending globalisation, vasudhaiva kutumbakam has taken on a meaning beyond hospitality to visitors from across the world.
  • Translated into the rallying cry of “One Earth, One Family, One Future”, it emphasises the interconnection of cultures across geographies, and, as in families, reminds us of our obligation to those left behind, those yet to benefit from globalisation.

How the concerns of the Global South have come to occupy centre stage?

  • Of the many priorities India is taking forward in its stewardship of the G20, three serve to illustrate how the concerns of the Global South have come to occupy centre stage.
  1. Democratisation and decentralization of the global economy.
    • “One Earth, One Family, One Future” should be seen especially in the backdrop of recent geo-economic developments that threaten our interconnected futures.
    • Muscular industrial policy has staged a return in geographies that were once the strongest votaries of globalisation. The United States has passed an Inflation Reduction Act that, in its specifics and motivations, looks little different from the nativist “Make America Great Again” agenda that preceded it.
    • The European Union is girding to introduce a carbon border tax.
    • At best, the rest of the world sees this as an attempt to regulate external markets on European principles. At worst, it looks like open protectionism of a sort the EU has historically attacked when it comes from much poorer countries.
    • Correcting this drift away from the pure principles of globalisation in which all benefit, but the poor benefit the most is a priority for the developing world.

2.    Reform and restoration of global finance.

    • Since the 2008 crisis, financial globalization has ceased to operate properly. The purpose of finance is to take savings and deploy them in projects, sectors, and geographies where they will garner the greatest returns.
    • As various agencies including the International Monetary Fund estimate, over three-fourths of global growth in the coming years will be in emerging economies.
    • International finance is, however, still focused on serving the old trans-Atlantic geographies.
    • Wealth creation has been disconnected from growth creation. A financial sector that indulges merely in the perverse redistribution of wealth within societies rather than in enabling global growth that raises all boats is simply unfit for purpose.
    • This G20, under India’s presidency, and those that follow, will aim to fix development and infrastructure finance so that capital can flow to the places where it can best stimulate growth, benefiting all of us, across the world.
  1. India has changed the tone and texture of the G20.
    • India has changed the tone and texture of the G20.
    • What was once a summit meant merely for technocrats and policy wonks has become a people’s festival.
    • The people’s G20 has a purpose: To amplify the issues that matter to the billions who have been, for too long, ignored by those technocrats and wonks. Dialogue on urgent issues— food, health, jobs, adaptation to climate change has brought hundreds of millions of Indians, and billions beyond our shores, into the ambit of the global governance discussion.
    • From now on, every presidency will include such perspectives, regions and demographics. India’s proud contribution to theG20 is a diversity that will shake the tree of global governance.

People’s G20

  • In the past, G20 summits have been remembered for activists outside the venues, protesting against the idea of global governance itself. There is always a place for dissent. India, as a vibrant democracy, knows this better than anyone. But the only answer to such activism is the creation of a wider group that can argue against it.
  • The people’s G20 correctly recognises that democratised global governance and a reformed globalisation can enthuse a wider group, and thereby answer the concerns of those activists who sought to disrupt previous G20s.
  • The warm embrace given to the G20 in India by Opposition-run state governments and marginalised groups is an indicator that there is nothing political or partisan about this hope.
  • India has found a wider, deeper and more expansive response to the malaise of global governance.

How has India’s leadership in G20 helped the global south?

  • This historic turn towards the Global South marked by India’s G20 has begun to redress decades of reductionism.
  • The Global South is no longer a pejorative. India’s G20 has reclaimed this description and shown that our self-image is of a group seeking green growth, tech-first growth, women-led growth, and inclusive growth.
  • Scholarship from richer countries may have been dismissive of the developing world and its aspirations. But today the Global South is seen as wanting more than just handouts.
  • India’s vibrant scholar community, India’s deft diplomacy and, indeed, India’s warm hospitality have reclaimed our identity.
  • For the first time, the Global South is the pathfinder for a greener, digital and equitable growth.
  • This is the developmental legacy of the people’s G20, and of India’s presidency.

Way Forward.

  • As the world’s leaders gather in New Delhi, it is clear that India’s G20 presidency will be remembered as a historic pivot in global governance.
  • The 2023 G20 slogan — “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “The world is one family” exemplifies a typical Indian melding of tradition and contemporary concerns.

2) Better for voter, better for citizen


  • One Nation, One election is among the critical reforms in the government’s agenda. In fact, the then President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, also mentioned this as one of the reforms proposed by the government.
  • He said that citizens are concerned about frequent elections in one part of the country or another, which adversely impact the economy and development.

How would holding simultaneous elections be helpful for the country?

1.    It would enable the government to concentrate on governance once the elections are over.

  • Today, there is some election or the other in some part of the country, at least every three months.
  • The entire attention of the country becomes focused on these elections.
  • From the Prime Minister to Union ministers, from chief ministers to ministers to MPs, MLAs and panchayat members, everyone gets deeply involved with these elections, as nobody wants to lose.
  • There is a virtual paralysis of administration at various levels in varying degrees. This reflects very badly on India’s growth prospects.
  1. By and large, no decisions are taken during elections due to the code of conduct. Therefore, key policy decisions get delayed both at the Centre and in the states and local bodies.
  2. Even when no fresh policy decision is necessary, implementation of ongoing projects gets derailed during election periods as the political executive as well as government officials would be engaged with election duties, neglecting routine administration.
  3. One of the main reasons for political corruption is frequent elections.
  • An enormous amount of money has to be raised at every election.
  • Election expenses of political parties can be reduced drastically if elections are held simultaneously.
  • There would be no duplication of fundraising.
  • This would save the public and business community from a lot of pressure for election donations, multiple times.
  1. Expenses incurred by the EC can be reduced if elections are held simultaneously. The EC would have to invest a considerable amount of money initially to put in place the necessary infrastructure.
  2. A large number of police personnel and para-military forces are engaged to ensure that elections are conducted peacefully.
    • This involves massive redeployment, involving huge costs.
    • It also diverts key law enforcement personnel from their critical functions.
    • Such deployment can be curtailed with simultaneous elections.
  1. If elections are held only at specific periods, horse trading by elected representatives could come to an end, by and large. Today, even with the anti-defection law in force, loopholes lead to horse-trading.
  2. Frequent elections lead to governments taking policy decisions to woo the electorate at every election.
    • Even though this cannot be stopped fully, the frequency with which governments have to announce freebies will come down.
    • Frequent elections have led to a situation where many state governments are broke.
    • With a smaller number of elections, their finances could be in better shape.
  1. The same electoral rolls can be used for all the elections.
    • This will save a tremendous amount of time and money spent in updating electoral rolls.
    • It will also make it easier for the citizen as they would not have to worry about their names missing from electoral rolls once they are enlisted.
  1. It is a global practice to have national and state elections together.

Way Forward:

  • There should be sufficient discussion on the issue before any legislation is passed.
  • There must be a mechanism for the measures that can be taken to ensure that simultaneous polls provide equal opportunities for regional parties in comparison to national parties.
  • There is a need to work on drawbacks before implementing One Nation One Election.

For Enquiry




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