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16 August 2024 : PIB Summary For UPSC

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Pays Tribute to Sri Aurobindo on His Birth Anniversary

(Source – https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=2045529 )

Topic: GS1 – Modern Indian History – Personalities
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Sri Aurobindo on his birth anniversary via social media platform X, acknowledging his influence as a philosopher, thinker, and spiritual leader.
  • Modi highlighted Sri Aurobindo’s role in India’s national awakening and reaffirmed the commitment to realising the India envisioned by Sri Aurobindo.
Everything You Need To Know About

More About Aurobindo Ghosh:

  • Early Life: Born on August 15, 1872, in Kolkata, Aurobindo Ghosh was educated in England, where he attended King’s College, Cambridge.
  • Freedom Struggle: Initially involved in the Indian independence movement, Aurobindo played a significant role in revolutionary activities, advocating for complete independence from British rule.
  • Alipore Bomb Case: Arrested in 1908 due to his involvement in the Alipore Bomb Case, Aurobindo was acquitted after a year-long trial.
  • Spiritual Turn: Post his acquittal, Aurobindo withdrew from active politics and moved to Pondicherry in 1910, where he delved deeply into spiritual practices.
  • Integral Yoga: Developed the concept of Integral Yoga, aiming for the evolution of human consciousness and the realisation of a divine life on earth.
  • Aurobindo Ashram: Founded the Aurobindo Ashram in 1926, which became a centre for spiritual seekers.
  • Literary Contributions: Authored numerous philosophical and spiritual works, including The Life Divine and Savitri.
  • Legacy: Passed away on December 5, 1950; his teachings continue to inspire spiritual and philosophical thought globally.
Practice Question:  Discuss the role of Aurobindo Ghosh in the Indian freedom struggle and analyse how his shift towards spirituality influenced his vision for India’s future. (150 Words /10 marks)


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