Everything You Need To Know About 18 May 2023 : Pib

18 May 2023 : PIB

Press Information Bureau


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The PIB ( Press Information Bureau )




1. PM hails feat of tapped water connection for 12 crore houses.

Topic: GS2 – development in social sector


      • Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the achievement of providing tap water connections to 120 million households through the Jal Jeevan Mission.


Significance of tapwater connections:

      • Health and Sanitation: Access to clean tap water ensures improved health and hygiene practices. It reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, especially in areas where water quality is poor. In addition, it promotes better sanitation facilities, handwashing, and overall hygiene, contributing to public health outcomes.

      • Empowerment of Women and Girls: In many parts of India, women and girls bear the primary responsibility of fetching water for their households. With tap water connections, they are relieved of the burden of long and arduous journeys to water sources, allowing them to focus on education, employment, and personal development.

      • Time and Effort Savings: Tap water connections save significant time and effort for households. They eliminate the need for individuals to fetch water from distant sources, making it easier for them to manage their daily routines, pursue livelihood activities, and spend more time with their families.

      • Economic Impact: Access to tap water can have positive economic implications. It reduces the financial burden on households. It also supports various economic activities such as agriculture, small businesses, and industries by providing a reliable water supply.

      • Sustainable Water Management: It encourages using treated and piped water, reducing the dependency on groundwater extraction and other unsustainable water sources. This helps in conserving water resources and ensuring their availability for future generations.

      • Urban Development: They provide a reliable water supply for households, commercial establishments, and infrastructure projects, ensuring the efficient functioning of cities and promoting urbanisation.

      • Government Initiatives: Tap water connections align with the government’s initiatives, like the Jal Jeevan Mission, aimed at providing tap water to every household in India. These initiatives prioritise water security, public health, and socio-economic development, making tap water connections a crucial component of the nation’s development agenda.

2. Cabinet approves Production Linked Incentive Scheme – 2.0 for IT Hardware.

Topic: GS3 – Government schemes.


      • The Cabinet, has given its approval to the Production Linked Incentive Scheme 2.0 for IT Hardware, allocating a budget of Rs. 17,000 crores.


      • Electronics manufacturing in India has shown consistent growth with a 17% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over the past 8 years.

      • The production of electronics in India has reached a significant milestone of 105 billion USD (approximately Rs 9 lakh crore) this year.

      • India has become the world’s second-largest manufacturer of mobile phones.

      • The export of mobile phones has surpassed 11 billion USD (around Rs 90 thousand crore) this year.

      • India is attracting the global electronics manufacturing ecosystem, positioning itself as major electronics manufacturing country.

Production Linked Incentive Scheme – 2.0:

      • It is aimed at promoting the manufacturing of IT hardware in India.

      • The scheme has a budgetary outlay of Rs. 17,000 crore.

      • It is expected to attract investments, boost domestic manufacturing, and create employment opportunities in the IT hardware sector.

      • The PLI scheme will provide incentives to eligible companies based on their incremental sales of IT hardware products.

      • The incentives will be provided over a period of four years, starting from 2023-24.

      • The scheme covers a wide range of IT hardware products, including laptops, tablets, personal computers, servers, and more.

      • It aims to make India a global hub for IT hardware manufacturing and increase the country’s share in the global market.

      • The PLI scheme is part of the government’s efforts to promote the Make in India initiative and strengthen the domestic manufacturing ecosystem.

For Enquiry




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