Everything You Need To Know About 9 Nov 2023 : Pib

9 Nov 2023 : PIB


9-November -2023

1. PM hails rise in patent applications in India.

Topic: GS3 – patents and copyrights.


  • Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi welcomed the increase in patent applications in India.
  • He shared a link to a WIPO post that reported a 31.6% growth in patent applications by Indian residents in 2022.
  • The Prime Minister expressed that the rise in patent applications reflects the growing innovative spirit of India’s youth and is a positive sign for the future.

Why there have been lack of patents from India?

  • Limited Research & Development (R&D): India historically allocated fewer resources to R&D compared to other countries, leading to fewer innovative discoveries and patents.
  • Regulatory Challenges: Complex and lengthy patent processes and unclear guidelines have discouraged some innovators from pursuing patents.
  • Low Funding: Limited funding for startups and innovation initiatives hinders the development of patent-worthy inventions.
  • Traditional Mindset: A preference for traditional industries and practices over innovation has hindered the growth of patents.
  • Lack of Awareness: Many potential innovators and businesses may not be aware of the benefits and processes of patenting.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Concerns about intellectual property protection and patent enforcement have deterred patent applications.
  • Limited Collaboration: Inadequate collaboration between academia, industry, and government has hampered innovation and patent filing.
  • Skill Gaps: Shortage of skilled professionals in patent drafting and protection.

Factors influencing the growth of patent applications in India:

  • Boost R&D Investment: Increase public and private sector investments in research and development to stimulate innovation.
  • Streamline Patent Processes: Simplify and expedite patent application procedures to encourage more innovators to seek patent protection.
  • Promote Startups: Provide financial and regulatory support to startups and small businesses to nurture innovation.
  • Encourage Innovation Culture: Foster an environment that values and rewards innovation in both academia and industry.
  • Intellectual Property Education: Raise awareness about intellectual property rights and provide education and training in patent-related matters.
  • Strengthen IP Protection: Improve intellectual property protection and enforcement mechanisms to instill confidence in inventors.
  • Collaboration Initiatives: Promote collaboration between research institutions, businesses, and government agencies to enhance innovation.


Question: Discuss the factors influencing the growth of patent applications in India and suggest measures to enhance the country’s innovative capacity and intellectual property protection.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1975569

2. First INDUS-X Investors Meet held in Delhi ahead of 2+2 Indo-US Ministerial Dialogue

Topic: GS2 – International relation.


  • iDEX and US Department of Defense organized INDUS-X Investors Meet in New Delhi.
  • Investors showed interest in defense startups and MSMEs under INDUS-X.
  • The event brought together stakeholders from both countries to discuss collaborative opportunities.

What is INDUS-X:

         INDUS-X stands for India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem. It was launched in June 2023 to promote defence innovation partnerships and cooperation between the Indian and US defence sectors.

The initiative aims to:

  • Promote advancements in high-tech cooperation in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cyber security.
  • Identify prospects for collaborative research, development, and production of advanced defence technologies.
  • Create opportunities for Indian and US defence companies to collaborate on projects of mutual interest.
  • Support the growth of the Indian defence industry by providing access to US technology and expertise.

         INDUS-X is a joint initiative of the Indian Ministry of Defence’s Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) and the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). The initiative is supported by the US-India Business Council (USIBC).

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1975723

3. WHO acknowledges India’s success in declining TB incidence by 16% and TB mortality reduction by 18% since 2015

Topic: GS3 – Health sector.


  • India has made substantial progress in improving tuberculosis (TB) case detection, with treatment coverage reaching 80% of estimated TB cases, a 19% increase from the previous year.
  • TB incidence in India reduced by 16% in 2022 compared to 2015, almost double the global TB incidence decline rate of 8.7%. 

Reasons for high prevalence of TB in India:

  • Population Density: India’s high population density creates conditions conducive to the spread of TB.
  • Poverty: Limited access to healthcare and poor living conditions in impoverished communities increase TB prevalence.
  • Malnutrition: Poor nutrition weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to TB.
  • Lack of Awareness: Limited awareness about TB symptoms, treatment, and prevention hinders early diagnosis and care.
  • Incomplete Treatment: Inconsistent adherence to TB treatment regimens can lead to drug-resistant strains.
  • Overcrowding: In crowded urban areas and prisons, TB transmission is more likely.
  • Limited Healthcare Infrastructure: Inadequate healthcare facilities and personnel hinder timely diagnosis and care.
  • Drug-Resistant Strains: The emergence of drug-resistant TB strains complicates treatment and control efforts.

Why decline in recent times?

  • Improved Case Detection: Enhanced case detection strategies, such as active case finding drives and the use of molecular diagnostics, have led to the identification of more TB cases, reducing underreporting.
  • Treatment Expansion: The scaling up of TB treatment services and decentralization of screening through initiatives like Ayushman Bharat Health & Wellness Centers has increased access to care.
  • Private Sector Engagement: Collaboration with the private healthcare sector has improved access to TB diagnosis and treatment.
  • Government Initiatives: National programs like Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, Ni-kshay Mitras, and Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana have significantly supported TB patients and improved care.
  • Increased Funding: Additional resources allocated to the National TB Program have enabled more effective control and treatment efforts.
  • Public Awareness: Efforts to raise public awareness about TB symptoms, treatment adherence, and prevention have contributed to early diagnosis and care.
  • Patient-Centric Initiatives: Introduction of patient-centric models like the Family Care Giver Model and Differentiated Care have improved treatment outcomes and reduced mortality.

Question: Discuss the key factors contributing to the recent decline in tuberculosis (TB) prevalence in India and the role of government initiatives in this context.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1975724


For Enquiry




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