Everything You Need To Know About 19 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

19 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. A push for GM mustard disregarding science, the law.

Topic: GS3 – GM crops.


  • Environmentalists are engaged in a determined battle in the Supreme Court of India against Delhi University’s genetically modified (GM) herbicide-tolerant (HT) mustard.
  • The case is significant because it could determine whether GM food will be introduced to Indian farmers and consumers.

What are genetically modified crops?

  • GM crops differ from conventional varieties and hybrids, as biotechnologists insert select genes at random locations in the DNA of a plant to develop a GM crop.
  • The inserted genes enable GM crops to express traits they would not possess naturally.
  • GM mustard, for example, has been modified to withstand the herbicide glufosinate, a broad-spectrum plant-killer.
  • This modification allows for the development of hybrid mustard seeds with higher yields.
  • Farmers cultivating GM mustard have the option to spray the herbicide, which kills all plants except the mustard crop.

GM crops in India, the debate:

  • India has witnessed a robust debate on GM crops over the past two decades involving various stakeholders such as environmentalists, scientists, politicians, farmers, consumers, and the higher judiciary.
  • Concerns have been raised about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of GM food.
  • The past experiences: The experience with Bt cotton, the only approved GM crop in India, has raised alarm. Long-term research indicates that while Bt cotton provided temporary benefits to farmers, it significantly increased their cultivation costs and risks. Some seed companies, however, have profited greatly from expensive GM seeds.
  • Standing committee reports and Supreme Court committee: Two Standing Committees of the Parliament independently examined GM crops and food and Supreme Court appointed a Technical Expert Committee (TEC) in response to public interest litigations filed separately by the NGO Gene Campaign and environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues.
  • Regulatory bottlenecks: Both the Committee on Agriculture (2012) and the Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests (2017) unanimously highlighted major weaknesses in India’s regulatory system for GM crops and emphasized the need for caution before releasing GM food.
  • The Technical Expert Committee (TEC) members, in their 2013 report, pointed out serious deficiencies in the safety assessment of GM crops and deemed herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops unsuitable for India, warning of potential harm to the environment, rural livelihoods, and sustainable agriculture if released.

The government’s push for the GM mustard:

  • Despite this concerns, the government is pushing ahead with GM mustard without due regard for science and the law.
  • The government has not made the full biosafety dossier of GM mustard public, as required by the Right to Information Act and a declaration by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee of the Environment Ministry.
  • Criticisms from agricultural scientists regarding the superior yield of non-GM mustard hybrids compared to GM mustard are not adequately addressed by the government.
  • The government’s stand: The government has argued in recent Supreme Court hearings that GM mustard should not be classified as herbicide-tolerant (HT) since its primary objective was to improve yields, attempting to circumvent evidence of long-term ecological and health risks associated with HT crops.
  • However, from a scientific standpoint, GM mustard is undeniably an HT crop due to its ability to withstand herbicides.
  • The government’s argument is seen as a diversionary tactic aimed at confusing the Supreme Court, rather than addressing the growing evidence against HT crops.
  • The government’s apparent disregard for science-based concerns and opposition to GM mustard is alarming.
  • Instead of seriously considering constitutional issues related to public health, environmental protection, and agricultural livelihoods, the government is undermining facts and logic before the Supreme Court.


  • If the Supreme Court allows the release of GM mustard, it could set a precedent for the approval of other HT crops such as cotton, rice, and maize.
  • The future of farming, India’s food culture, and agricultural heritage are at stake in this decision.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-push-for-gm-mustard-disregarding-science-the-law/article67095116.ece

Mains question:  “Examine the debate surrounding genetically modified (GM) crops in India, focusing on the case of herbicide-tolerant (HT) mustard. Assess the potential implications of releasing GM mustard on public health, the environment, and agricultural livelihoods.” (10 Marks)


  1. Introduction:
    • Provide a brief overview of the debate surrounding GM crops in India.
    • Mention the specific case of herbicide-tolerant (HT) mustard.
  2. Discuss concerns raised by stakeholders:
    • Explain the concerns raised by environmentalists, scientists,, farmers, and regarding the safety, efficacy, and necessity of GM food.
    • Highlight the specific concerns related to the experience with Bt cotton and its impact on farmers’ costs and risks.
  3. Evaluate the government’s argument:
    • Explain the government’s argument challenging the classification of GM mustard as HT.
  4. Assess potential implications:
    • Discuss the potential consequences of releasing GM mustard on public health, the environment, and agricultural livelihoods.
    • Consider the long-term ecological and health risks associated with HT crops, as well as the economic impact on farmers and seed companies.
  5. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key points discussed.

2. Selective prosecution: on the Enforcement Directorate and political leaders

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.

Context and the news:

  • The Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Tamil Nadu has seen a spike in activity, particularly in the prosecution of political leaders.
  • Senthilbalaji, a Minister without portfolio in the DMK regime, was recently arrested and is facing legal challenges regarding the legality of his arrest and remand.
  • Another high-profile Minister, K. Ponmudy, is now under investigation by the ED.
  • Concerns are being raised by scholars regarding the use of central agencies for political agenda by central government.

Issues associated with politicisation of central agencies:

  • Fairness and Impartiality: When central agencies are perceived as being selectively used to target political opponents while disregarding allegations against members of the ruling party, it raises questions about fairness and impartiality.
  • Political Influence: The perception of political influence in the functioning of central agencies can lead to doubts about their independence and autonomy.
  • Erosion of Public Trust: Public trust in central agencies is crucial for their effectiveness. When there are concerns about their actions being politically motivated, it can erode public trust in their ability to uphold the rule of law and conduct unbiased investigations. This can lead to a loss of confidence in the system as a whole.
  • Rule of Law: If agencies are perceived as being influenced by political considerations, it can undermine the principles of justice, equality, and due process.
  • Impact on Democracy: The misuse or perceived misuse of central agencies can have a detrimental impact on democratic processes. It can stifle dissent, discourage political participation, and create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
  • Institutional Integrity: When central agencies are seen as serving political interests rather than upholding the law, it can damage the integrity and reputation of these institutions.

Way forward:

  • Upholding Institutional Independence: This can be achieved by establishing clear guidelines and protocols for their functioning and insulating them from external pressures.
  • Transparent Processes: Promote transparency in the actions of central agencies by ensuring that investigations, arrests, and prosecutions are conducted in a transparent manner. This includes making information on cases, procedures, and decisions easily accessible to the public.
  • Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms: This can involve establishing internal oversight committees, conducting periodic audits, and encouraging whistleblowing to expose any wrongdoing.
  • Equal Treatment and Due Process: Central agencies must treat all political leaders and individuals equally under the law, irrespective of their political affiliations.
  • Judicial Oversight: Strengthen the role of the judiciary in providing oversight and scrutiny of the actions of central agencies. This includes timely review of cases, evaluating the legality and fairness of investigations, and ensuring compliance with constitutional rights.
  • Political Will and Reforms: It is essential for the political leadership to demonstrate a commitment to uphold the integrity and independence of central agencies. This can be achieved through policy reforms, legislative measures, and adherence to ethical standards in governance.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/selective-prosecution-on-the-enforcement-directorate-and-political-leaders/article67094717.ece

Model question:  “What are the implications of politicizing central agencies in India, and how does it impact the independence, impartiality, and public trust in these institutions?” (10 Marks)

3. India, France and what keeps their ties ticking

Topic: GS2 – International relations.

The ever-growing India – France relations:

  • The relationship between the two countries is based on three pillars: non-interference in internal affairs, belief in strategic autonomy, and non-alignment.
  • France’s stand after India’s 1998 Pokhran test: The awkwardness in 1998, after India’s nuclear tests, did not affect the partnership as France did not impose sanctions and the Strategic Partnership Agreement remained intact.
  • Areas of collaboration: The cornerstones of the relationship have been space, nuclear energy, and defence cooperation.
  • Nuclear partnership: France played a significant role in India’s civil nuclear deal, and the two countries have continued to collaborate in the nuclear energy sector.
  • The strategic partnership: The strategic partnership focuses on establishing a more equally balanced world and recognising India’s democratic choices, secularism, and coexistence of diverse cultures.
  • Similar stance on global events: France’s approach of non-interference and non-alliances aligns with India’s position on the war in Ukraine and other geopolitical issues.
  • Military cooperation: France is the only country with which India has conducted joint naval patrols, and future plans involve cooperation in using territories for port calls and reconnaissance.


  • The India-France relationship stands out for its geopolitics without value judgments and the absence of pressure to align positions.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/india-france-and-what-keeps-their-ties-ticking/article67095066.ece

For Enquiry




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