Everything You Need To Know About 2 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

2 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. The dangers in the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


  • The government is preparing to introduce the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill in Parliament.
  • The final draft of the Bill is not publicly disclosed and is shrouded in secrecy.
  • The circulated draft of the Bill faced issues and concerns raised by campaigns and concerned citizens.
  • However, MeitY primarily focused on consulting industry and big tech companies, raising objections about excluding broader public participation in shaping the law.
  • The Data Protection Bill of 2022 aims to safeguard people’s fundamental rights, including the right to information and the right to privacy.

Issues raised about The Data Protection Bill of 2022:

  • Amendment to the RTI act: The Bill includes a provision to amend the Right to Information (RTI) Act, which has been empowering Indian citizens since its enactment in 2005.
  • The enactment of a data protection law does not require any amendment to the existing RTI law, as noted by the Justice A.P. Shah Report on Privacy.
  • The DPDP Bill 2022 proposes amendments to Section 8(1)(j) to exempt all personal information from disclosure, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.
  • The government’s Power: The DPDP Bill 2022 empowers the executive to draft rules and notifications on a wide range of issues, potentially allowing arbitrary exemptions for certain entities and violating citizens’ privacy.
  • Possibility of unfair treatment: The government could potentially exempt its cronies and government bodies like UIDAI, while others would have to comply with stringent data fiduciary obligations.

Issues over the Data Protection Board:

  • The oversight body proposed under the DPDP Bill must be adequately independent to act on violations of the law by government entities.
  • The draft Bill lacks provisions to ensure the autonomy of the Data Protection Board responsible for enforcing the law.
  • The central government is empowered to determine the strength, composition, and appointment process of the board, including the chairperson and other members.
  • The chief executive responsible for managing the board will be appointed by the government, giving it direct control over the institution.
  • The creation of a government-controlled Data Protection Board, with the power to impose fines up to ₹500 crore, raises concerns of misuse to target political opposition and critics of government policies.
  • Urgent addressal of these concerns is necessary before enacting the DPDP Bill.

Way forward:

  • Ensure transparency and public consultation during the drafting of the DPDP Bill to address concerns and build public trust.
  • Establish an independent and autonomous Data Protection Board to enforce the provisions of the law and protect personal data effectively.
  • Clearly define the composition, appointment process, and removal mechanisms of the Data Protection Board to prevent undue government influence.
  • Strengthen provisions to protect citizens’ right to information and ensure that the DPDP Bill does not compromise transparency and accountability.
  • Conduct a comprehensive debate and discussion in Parliament to address the shortcomings and implications of the Bill before its enactment.

Model question:  Examine the key provisions and objectives of the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill in India. Discuss its potential implications for citizens’ right to privacy, data protection, and transparency. What measures can be adopted to ensure an effective balance between data protection and government’s access to data for legitimate purposes? (20 Marks)

2. Government effort to boost infrastructure is yielding results

Topic: GS3 – Infrastructure development.

Indian economy on the rise:

  • India’s eight core sectors witnessed a strong output growth in June, with a year-on-year growth of 8.2%, the highest in five months.
  • Steel was the standout performer, with output surging 21.9%, while cement also posted an almost double-digit increase.
  • Infrastructure sector demand continues to drive growth in steel and cement, supported by government efforts to boost outlays on affordable housing, urban renewal, and transportation networks.
  • Electricity production also saw its strongest increase in four months, despite a cyclonic storm impacting industrialized Gujarat.
  • Official data for July showed coal output surged more than 14%, indicating positive prospects for industrial segments relying on coal for furnaces and boilers.

Issues to be addressed:

  • However, there are concerns about India’s efforts to achieve Aatmanirbharta (self-reliance) in the oil sector, as crude oil production remained in decline for the 13th consecutive month, contracting by 0.6%.
  • Regulatory inconsistencies continue to pose challenges for the oil sector, and policymakers need to ensure a supportive policy environment, given uncertain global demand.

Model question:  What initiatives has the Government of India undertaken to boost infrastructure development in the country, and how are these efforts contributing to economic growth and improving citizens’ quality of life?

3. The IIM Bill is a bold move

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.

Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) Act of 2017:

  • The Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) Act of 2017 granted significant autonomy to IIMs, including the requirement for an independent review every three years to be made public.
  • However, many IIMs have not complied with the provision, leading the government to table the IIM (Amendment) Bill in 2023 to take back some of the powers ceded in 2017.

IIM (Amendment) Bill 2023 seeks to address the following issues:

  • The 2023 Bill proposes the creation of the post of Visitor, the President of India, to appoint key officials and approve director appointments.
  • Turbulence has been observed in the IIM system in recent years, indicating a lack of checks and balances on the directors’ powers.
  • The absence of accountability and norms in the IIM Act worsened the situation, resulting in directors having unchecked authority.
  • IIM (Amendment) Bill 2023 provides for better accountability and transparency mechanisms.
  • The government control: Government control is not necessarily inimical to educational institutions’ functioning, as demonstrated by state-controlled universities in California and the success of the IITs.


  • The government’s move to restore accountability in the IIM system through the 2023 Bill has been seen as a courageous step to address the lack of oversight and preserve the IIM brand.

Model question:  Analyze the government’s move to restore accountability in the IIM system through the 2023 Bill. Highlight the importance of democratic accountability in public institutions and the challenges in ensuring effective governance in educational institutions like IIMs.

For Enquiry




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