
20 March 2024 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


1. Ties that epitomise India’s neighbourhood first policy.

Topic: GS2 – International Relations
The India-Bhutan relationship underscores diplomatic cooperation, economic collaboration, and regional significance, vital for understanding international relations in UPSC exams.
  • The article highlights the enduring friendship between India and Bhutan, focusing on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.
  • It discusses collaborative initiatives such as the Gelephu Mindfulness City project and hydropower cooperation, emphasizing their significance in bilateral relations.

 Mutual Respect and Trust Between India and Bhutan:

  • India and Bhutan, despite vast differences in size, share a close and enduring relationship.
  • Mutual respect and treating each other as equals have been the cornerstone of their partnership.
  • India’s recognition of Bhutan’s unique identity and religious practices, along with Bhutan’s trust in India’s support, has fostered a deep level of trust between the two nations.

Gelephu Mindfulness City Project:

  • Bhutan’s vision for the Gelephu Mindfulness City as a Special Economic Zone demonstrates its commitment to economic growth and sustainability.
  • India’s expected significant role in the project underscores the collaborative nature of their partnership.
  • The project aims to attract foreign investment while prioritizing sustainability, well-being, and environmental concerns.
  • Emphasis on yoga, spa therapies, and mental relaxation channels reflects a holistic approach to human well-being.

Diplomatic Engagement:

  • High-level visits between leaders of both countries manifest the commitment to nurturing the bilateral relationship.
  • Recent visits by the Prime Ministers of Bhutan and India signify the importance placed on regular dialogue and cooperation.
  • Consistent engagement reflects India’s Neighbourhood First policy and strengthens bilateral ties.

Hydropower Cooperation:

  • Hydropower cooperation serves as a cornerstone of India-Bhutan relations.
  • Completed projects have provided clean electricity to India and revenue to Bhutan, aiding its economic development.
  • Despite successes, challenges in implementing new joint venture models for hydroprojects require reevaluation.
  • India’s significant contribution to Bhutan’s development assistance underscores the prioritization of Bhutanese needs in bilateral cooperation.

Future Measures:

  • India’s involvement in the success of the Gelephu Mindfulness City could include initiating direct flights, sharing technology, and encouraging Indian businesses to invest.
  • Gelephu’s proximity to remote areas of West Bengal and Assam highlights the potential socio-economic benefits for neighboring regions.
  • The success of the project would further exemplify the mutually beneficial cooperation between India and Bhutan.


  • In summary, India-Bhutan relations epitomize a model of partnership built on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.
  • Through diplomatic engagement, hydropower cooperation, and collaborative projects like the Gelephu Mindfulness City, both nations continue to strengthen their ties for shared prosperity and development.
 India – Bhutan Relations
  • Hydropower Cooperation: India has been assisting Bhutan in harnessing its hydropower potential, leading to mutually beneficial energy cooperation.
  • Development Assistance: India provides significant development aid to Bhutan, focusing on sectors like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
  • Cultural Exchange: Both countries have strong cultural ties, with regular cultural exchanges promoting understanding and friendship.
  • Security Cooperation: India supports Bhutan’s security needs, including training for its armed forces and cooperation in border security.
  • Trade and Economic Ties: Bilateral trade continues to grow, with India being Bhutan’s largest trading partner. Both nations are exploring avenues to enhance economic cooperation further.
  • Tourism: India is a significant source of tourists for Bhutan, contributing to its economy through revenue generation from tourism.
  • Environmental Conservation: Cooperation in environmental conservation, including initiatives like joint efforts to preserve the Himalayan ecosystem.
  • Connectivity: Strengthening connectivity infrastructure such as roads and bridges to facilitate trade and people-to-people contact.
  • Regional and International Forums: Collaboration in regional and international forums to address common challenges and promote shared interests.
Practice Question:  Discuss the significance of India-Bhutan relations in promoting regional cooperation and economic development, highlighting key collaborative initiatives.  (150 Words /10 marks)

2. Guaranteed MSP is an ethical imperative

Topic: GS3 – Agriculture – MSP
The topic is crucial for UPSC as it addresses agricultural sustainability, food security, and socio-economic welfare in India.

  • The article highlights the pressing need for a legal guarantee of Minimum Support Price (MSP) for agricultural produce in India.
  • It emphasises MSP’s role in ensuring fair returns for farmers and addressing the challenges of market failures in the agricultural sector.


  • As India’s general elections near, agrarian issues dominate the political landscape.
  • Farmers from key agricultural regions have converged near the capital, demanding fair pricing and legal assurances for Minimum Support Price (MSP).
  • The ruling government’s attempts to address these concerns through conditional procurement initiatives have been met with scepticism by farm leaders.

Importance of MSP:

  • MSP plays a crucial role in ensuring food security in India by providing a price floor for agricultural produce.
  • Due to the inherent market failures in agriculture, farmers often lack bargaining power, necessitating MSP to ensure fair returns for their labor.

Challenges in MSP Implementation:

  • Despite annual MSP announcements for 23 crops, implementation remains poor, with only a small percentage of farmers benefiting.
  • Most transactions occur below MSP, rendering farming economically unviable for many producers and leading to a cycle of debt and distress.

Support for Legal Guarantee of MSP:

  • Constitutional provisions and international declarations support the legal recourse to guaranteeing MSP.
  • Public opinion, as indicated by surveys, overwhelmingly supports farmers’ demands for a legal right to MSP.

Examples of Existing MSP Mechanisms:

  • Sugarcane growers benefit from statutory MSP, strictly adhered to by sugar factories.
  • States like Maharashtra and Karnataka have made efforts to ensure MSP through legislative and policy measures.

Proposed Solution:

  • A minor amendment to State APMC Acts or the Essential Commodities Act could ensure no transactions occur below MSP.
  • Development of backward and forward linkages, along with post-harvest infrastructure, can manage market surplus effectively.

Addressing Market Distortions:

  • Legal recourse to MSP, complemented by efficient procurement and distribution mechanisms, would mitigate market failures without distorting markets.
  • Increasing MSP to provide a 50% profit margin is feasible, given the current margins and the provisions of the National Food Security Act, 2013.

Critique of Existing Policies:

  • The PM-AASHA scheme, despite its potential, has been sidelined, indicating political expediency over genuine solutions.
  • Government intervention, particularly through a legally binding MSP, is often criticized based on free market ideologies.


  • Establishing a legally binding MSP is essential to address the ongoing crisis in farmer incomes and ensure fair returns for their labour.
  • While facing resistance from intermediaries and free market proponents, legal guarantees for MSP are imperative for agricultural sustainability and food security in India.

Legally Binding MSP – Pros and Cons

  • Fair Returns: Ensures fair and remunerative prices to farmers, addressing their economic distress and improving livelihoods.
  • Food Security: Maintains stable food production by incentivizing farmers to cultivate essential crops, thus ensuring food security for the nation.
  • Market Stability: Prevents exploitation of farmers by middlemen and ensures stability in agricultural markets.
  • Social Welfare: Reduces income inequality and rural poverty, contributing to overall socio-economic development.
  • Policy Certainty: Provides predictability and confidence to farmers, encouraging long-term investments in agriculture.


  • Market Distortion: Critics argue that MSP may distort market forces and lead to inefficiencies in resource allocation.
  • Budgetary Pressure: Implementing a legally binding MSP could strain government finances due to increased procurement costs.
  • Inflationary Pressure: MSP-driven higher prices may lead to inflationary pressures in the economy, affecting consumers.
  • Exports Competitiveness: Higher MSPs may reduce the competitiveness of Indian agricultural exports in the global market.
  • Dependency: Over-reliance on MSP may discourage innovation and modernization in agriculture, leading to productivity stagnation.
  • Administrative Challenges: Ensuring effective procurement and distribution under a legally binding MSP regime poses administrative challenges for the government.

Overall, while legally binding MSP ensures farmers’ welfare and food security, careful consideration of its potential drawbacks and effective implementation strategies is necessary for sustainable agricultural development.

PYQ: What do you mean by Minimum Support Price (MSP)? How will MSP rescue the farmers from the low income trap? (150 words/10m) (UPSC CSE (M) GS-3 2018)
Practice Question:  Discuss the significance of implementing a legally binding Minimum Support Price (MSP) mechanism for agricultural produce in India. (250 Words /15 marks)

For Enquiry




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