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20 September 2024 : The Hindu Editorial Analysis

1. Acclamation for an Indian leadership that still endures

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 8)

Topic: GS2 – International Relations
  • During his state visit to India (August 19-21, 2024), Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim delivered a lecture emphasising unity in the Global South, praising India’s leadership in fostering cooperation with the Global North.
  • He also highlighted the enduring global influence of figures like Nehru, Vivekananda, Gandhiji, and Tagore.

Rise of the Global South

  • The rise of the Global South is a defining feature of the new world order, emphasising unity amidst diversity.
  • The Global South aims to cooperate with the Global North as equals, rather than adopting an exclusionary stance.
  • India has emerged as a pivotal player in shaping this vision, fostering cooperation between both global regions.

India’s Leadership in the Global South

  • India has been instrumental in driving the Global South’s agenda on the global stage.
  • India’s leadership during its G20 Chairmanship and the inaugural Voice of Global South Summits showcased its commitment to forging a united front.
  • These efforts are recognized as embodying foresight, grace, and a well-structured plan to elevate the Global South’s role.

Vision of Inclusivity and Cooperation

  • India’s approach to global leadership is rooted in inclusivity, a reflection of the country’s historical values and its commitment to balancing relationships with all global powers.
  • By promoting a framework of cooperation with the Global North while leading the Global South, India exemplifies diplomacy based on mutual respect and equality.
  • The new world order shaped by India envisions collaboration rather than confrontation, driving global progress.

Historical Legacy and Global Influence

  • India’s foundational ideals, laid out during its freedom struggle, continue to inspire global leadership.
  • The iconic “Tryst with Destiny” speech laid out a vision for justice, equality, and freedom for all, which remains central to India’s role in global governance.
  • India’s early leaders envisioned a democratic, prosperous nation focused on uplifting the common man, principles that guide the nation in its current role.

Multiculturalism and Spiritual Unity

  • India’s influence in the new world order extends beyond economic and political spheres to a spiritual and philosophical realm.
  • The message of spiritual unity and inclusivity, articulated by Indian philosophers and leaders, continues to resonate globally.
  • These ideals have helped India build strong connections with nations seeking cooperation beyond mere economic interests.

Advocacy for Non-Violence and Inclusivity

  • India’s global leadership also draws on its historical advocacy for non-violence and inclusivity, ideals championed by its prominent historical figures.
  • The principle of “hating the sin, not the sinner,” a call for compassion and understanding, is a powerful philosophy that India projects onto the global stage.
  • These principles serve as a moral compass in navigating the challenges of global governance in an increasingly divided world.

India’s Digital and Governance Initiatives

  • India’s present-day policies, especially in harnessing digital technologies for popular welfare, are gaining international attention.
  • These initiatives, designed to empower marginalised and impoverished populations, are practical measures that hold great significance for the Global South.
  • India’s technological advancements, particularly in digital governance, are helping shape a more inclusive world order.

Global Admiration for India’s Vision

  • While India’s digital initiatives are praised, it is the nation’s philosophical and spiritual ideals that resonate most deeply with the global community.
  • India’s leadership in the new world order is thus a combination of practical governance measures and the projection of universal values.
  • India’s ability to inspire both respect and admiration, through its balanced approach to global cooperation, defines its role in the emerging world order.


  • India’s role in the new world order is characterised by its emphasis on unity, inclusivity, and cooperation.
  • The country’s leadership in the Global South, combined with its commitment to bridging the gap with the Global North, has placed India at the forefront of global governance.
  • By drawing on its historical legacy of non-violence, inclusivity, and spiritual unity, India continues to inspire a world striving for equality and justice in a complex strategic environment.
PYQ: “The long-sustained image of India as a leader of the oppressed and marginalised Nations has disappeared on account of its new found role in the emerging global order”. Elaborate. (250 words/15m) (UPSC CSE (M) GS-2 2019)
Practice Question:  Discuss India’s evolving role in the new world order, particularly its leadership within the Global South. How do India’s historical values of inclusivity and non-violence contribute to its global diplomatic strategies? (250 Words /15 marks)

2. India’s place in Russia-Ukraine peace-making

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 8)

Topic: GS2 – International Relations
  • India has emerged as a potential mediator in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, maintaining diplomatic neutrality and engaging both sides.
  • Leveraging its global stature and leadership of the Global South, India seeks to contribute to peace-making, despite numerous challenges and competing proposals.

India’s Place in Russia-Ukraine Peace-Making

Diplomatic Balancing Act

  • India has maintained a neutral stance throughout the Russia-Ukraine conflict, engaging with both Russia and Ukraine, as well as their allies.
  • By abstaining from anti-Russia resolutions at the UN and continuing trade with Russia, India signals its commitment to strategic autonomy.

Honest Broker and Mediator

  • India’s consistent engagement with both the West and Eurasian leadership has positioned it as a credible mediator.
  • Prime Minister’s frequent interactions with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy show India’s active diplomatic efforts in conflict resolution.

Strategic Autonomy and Global South Leadership

  • India’s foreign policy of non-alignment, inherited from its historical stance during the Cold War, strengthens its image as an unbiased negotiator.
  • India’s focus on issues like energy and food security for the Global South during its G-20 presidency showcases its ability to address the war’s wider implications, particularly for developing nations.

History of Mediation

  • India’s previous role in mediating Cold War conflicts, including the Korea and Vietnam wars, adds credibility to its current efforts.
  • By leveraging its global diplomatic capital, India aspires to achieve a peace settlement reminiscent of its past leadership in international peace efforts.

Challenges and Limitations

  • India’s current peace proposals are still in development, and it faces competition from other global powers offering solutions, such as China and Brazil.
  • Engaging in conflict resolution requires consistent efforts, and India must balance domestic priorities and regional concerns while asserting itself globally in peace-making efforts.
Practice Question: Discuss India’s potential role as a mediator in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Analyse how its stance of strategic autonomy, engagement with both global powers, and leadership of the Global South positions India in international peace-making efforts.  (150 Words /10 marks)

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