Everything You Need To Know About 31 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

31 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. Supreme Court has tried to hold States and Centre to account on mob violence

Topic: GS1 – Indian society.


  • The Supreme Court has reminded the Union Government and several State governments of their “consistent failure” to act against lynching and mob violence, particularly targeting Muslims and marginalized sections by “cow vigilantes.”
  • The Court responded to a petition by the National Federation of Indian Women, seeking action against such violence and highlighting the failure of authorities to prevent vigilantism.
  • In 2018, the Court issued guidelines, including designating a nodal police officer in each district to coordinate efforts in tackling mob violence and lynching.
  • Despite the Court’s guidelines, lynching and mob violence continue to occur, especially in north India, indicating the nonchalance of the governments in question.

Issue of rising instances of mob lynching:

The issue of rising instances of mob lynching is a matter of grave concern in many parts of the world, including India. Mob lynching refers to incidents where a group of people takes the law into their own hands and resorts to violence, resulting in the death of individuals suspected of committing crimes or belonging to specific communities.

Key Points:

  • Mob lynching involves groups of people acting as judge, jury, and executioner, bypassing the legal system.
  • Lynchings are often fueled by factors like rumors, misinformation, communal tensions, and prejudice.
  • Victims are often targeted based on their religion, caste, ethnicity, or even suspicion of criminal activities.
  • Lynchings have been reported in both rural and urban areas, facilitated by the spread of fake news and social media.
  • The lack of immediate police intervention, delayed justice, and inadequate punishment for perpetrators contribute to the persistence of this problem.
  • The incidents have resulted in loss of innocent lives, created fear and insecurity among minority communities, and tarnished the country’s image.
  • Activists and organizations have been advocating for stronger legislation, swift action, and awareness campaigns to combat mob violence.
  • The judiciary has also played a significant role in addressing this issue through judgments that emphasize accountability and strict punishment for mob lynching perpetrators.
  • However, challenges remain in effectively curbing mob lynching due to societal prejudices, political complexities, and the need for collective efforts by authorities, civil society, and citizens.

 It is crucial for governments, law enforcement agencies, and civil society to work together to address the root causes of mob lynching and promote a culture of tolerance, respect, and adherence to the rule of law. Education, awareness, and sensitization are essential to challenge the mindset that fuels this dangerous form of vigilantism and to foster a society where justice prevails through legitimate legal channels.

2. Bitter truths in Maharashtra’s sugar fields.

Topic: GS3 – migrant workers.


  • The High Court of Bombay has taken suo motu cognisance of the exploitation of intra-State migrant workers in the sugar cane industry.
  • Migrant workers from drought-affected regions in Marathwada migrate to western Maharashtra for sugar cane harvesting due to unemployment and crop failures.
  • Workers exploitation: The Mukadam system, where labour contractors supply workers to sugar factories, perpetuates exploitative practices and violates labour laws.

Inadequacy of policies:

  • Inadequate data on seasonal migrants, especially women and children, hinders the framing of meaningful policies.
  • A Migration Tracking System (MTS) was launched to track migrant families, but it needs expansion to include comprehensive information on migrants in the sugar belt and other migration corridors.
  • Women workers in the sugar cane industry face strenuous work and health issues, but there is a lack of long-term intervention strategy.
  • The education of children accompanying their parents to sugar cane fields is affected, leading to potential child labour.

The need for government intervention:

  • Government intervention is necessary to ensure access to justice, safe working conditions, and inclusive policies for seasonal migrants.
  • The State government needs to collaborate with different Ministries and Departments to address the issues faced by migrant workers and protect their rights.

The issue of migrant workers:

The issue of migrant workers refers to the challenges and hardships faced by people who move from one region or country to another in search of better employment opportunities and living conditions. Migrant workers are a significant part of the global workforce and play a crucial role in various industries, including agriculture, construction, manufacturing, and services.

Key aspects:

  • Economic factors: Migrant workers often move from economically disadvantaged regions to areas with higher economic opportunities. Poverty, lack of job prospects, and income disparities are common driving factors for migration.
  • Exploitation and Vulnerability: Migrant workers are often vulnerable to exploitation due to their legal status, language barriers, and lack of knowledge about labor laws in the destination country. They may face low wages, long working hours, unsafe working conditions, and human rights abuses.
  • Legal and Social Rights: Migrant workers may not have access to the same legal and social protections as local workers. Issues such as residency permits, access to healthcare, education for their children, and social services can be challenging for migrants.
  • Irregular Migration: Some migrant workers may enter a country without proper documentation or through illegal means, making them more susceptible to exploitation and abuse by employers or human traffickers.
  • Impact on Families: Migrant workers often leave their families behind, leading to emotional and psychological challenges. Additionally, remittances sent back home can have both positive and negative effects on the families left behind.
  • Social Integration: Migrant workers may face cultural and social barriers in their host countries, making it challenging for them to integrate into the local communities.
  • Pandemic Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability of migrant workers, as many lost their jobs, faced travel restrictions, and lacked access to healthcare and social support.

Efforts to address the issue of migrant workers include:

  • Implementing and enforcing labor laws that protect the rights of migrant workers.
  • Providing access to essential services, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare, irrespective of immigration status.
  • Creating safe and legal migration pathways to reduce irregular migration and exploitation.
  • Promoting social integration and cultural understanding between migrant workers and host communities.
  • Encouraging international cooperation and policy frameworks to address the global challenges of migration.


Overall, addressing the issue of migrant workers requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach by governments, international organizations, civil society, and private sectors to ensure fair and humane treatment for all workers, regardless of their origin.

3. A crisis of academic ethics in India

Topic: GS3 – education sector.


  • India has a long history of significant contributions to intellectual pursuits and scientific research, but unethical academic practices are hindering its progress on the global stage.

Problems with Academic ethics in India:

  • There is an absence of a robust ethical code and investigation procedure to deal with misconduct allegations in academic institutions in India.
  • Data manipulation and plagiarism are common unethical practices, and some institutions fail to take appropriate action when alerted to such misconduct.
  • Authoritarian behavior of those in power and bullying by guides are prevalent issues in the academic community.
  • Cheating in exams is common among students, and the academic culture in India is perceived globally as dishonest, affecting the competitiveness of Indian students.
  • The quality of leadership in academic institutions plays a crucial role in addressing the ethics problem. There is a need for leaders who prioritize ethical standards and take appropriate actions against misconduct.
  • The suppression of independent thinking and academic freedom further exacerbates the problem.
  • Without a change in the attitude of academic leadership, India’s potential as a research powerhouse may be compromised, leading talented researchers to seek opportunities abroad.

For Enquiry




Everything You Need To Know About 31 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf
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