Everything You Need To Know About 6 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

6 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. In the short term, stabilise the Line of Actual Control

Topic: GS3 – Security


      • The situation on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China has remained tense, with incidents of transgressions and stand-offs.


      • The mobilization of Chinese forces into Tibet after the Galwan crisis and the increase in rhetoric and jingoism in both countries have raised concerns about a major conflict.

      • A permanent solution to the border problem is complex due to territorial claims and political constraints on both sides.

      • Short-term but effective steps should be taken to stabilize the LAC and reduce the possibility of conflict.

      • Previous agreements between India and China have shown inadequacies in addressing LAC-related disputes and lack clarity on defining the LAC.

      • Joint mechanisms to verify and settle disputes have not yielded significant results, and the paucity of Border Personnel Meeting (BPM) points hinders constructive engagement.

      • Reduction and redeployment of forces along the LAC has seen no progress.

      • While firmness is necessary, understanding the reasons for rising clashes and addressing them is important.

      • Steps to bring peace and stability on the LAC include delineating the LAC as a Line of Control (LC) on maps and the ground, treating disputed areas as no entry zones or allowing joint patrolling, and strengthening existing Confidence Building Measures and engagement mechanisms.

2. India must bring pump prices of petrol and diesel in line with global oil prices

Topic: GS2 – Indian economy.


      • OPEC+ has agreed to extend production cuts into 2024 to prevent oil prices from falling amid concerns about a global economic slowdown.


      • Saudi Arabia has voluntarily pledged to reduce output by an additional 1 million barrels per day in July.

      • India, which imports over 80% of its crude oil, is concerned about the potential impact of supply curtailment on global oil prices.

      • However, India has increased its purchases of Russian crude, which has led to a decline in the price it pays for imported oil.

      • The average monthly price of India’s crude oil basket has declined by 38% since its peak in June 2022.

      • Despite the decline in crude purchase prices, retail prices of petrol and diesel in India have remained unchanged.

      • Policymakers should reassess their stance on fuel prices, considering easing retail inflation and sluggish private consumption spending.

      • Bringing oil products under the ambit of GST to rationalize fuel prices may not happen soon, but the central government can provide a fiscal boost by reducing its levies on transport fuels.

3. The Railways must not lose focus on safety as it expands its services

Topic: GS2 – Indian Railways.


      • A tragic rail accident in Balasore, Odisha, involving the collision of three trains has highlighted the challenges in modernizing and expanding India’s rail services.


      • The accident resulted in the death of at least 275 people and over 900 injuries, making it the worst rail accident in two decades.

      • A similar incident was narrowly avoided in February due to an alert loco pilot and moderate train speed, revealing faults in the signalling system and human errors.

      • India’s rail infrastructure carries nearly 15 million passengers daily, with plans for improvement and a substantial budget allocated for capital expenditure.

      • While the number of accidents per million train kilometers has decreased over the past decade, poor maintenance, overstretched staff, and inadequate safety measures remain concerns.

      • The Railways must prioritize safety over speed and address issues of maintenance, rolling stock, and staff capacity.

      • The Balasore accident may undergo a Central Bureau of Investigation probe, but more crucial will be the corrective measures taken by the Railways at operational and planning levels.

      • The Railways will need to allocate additional resources to modernize and prioritize safety, even as development plans for passenger amenities and high-speed trains continue.

4.Dealing with deepfakes

Topic: GS2 – Technology developments.


      • Deepfakes are media elements, including images and videos, created using deep learning that contain false information and aim to distort reality.

      • Deepfakes are an “upgrade” from photoshopping as they surpass human skill and use machine processing to falsify media with fewer imperfections.


      • Deepfakes have been used for malicious purposes such as creating fake videos of prominent figures, hacking facial recognition software, and producing “revenge porn.”

      • Deepfakes have also been used for positive applications like restoring voices for individuals with disabilities and enhancing creativity in comedy, cinema, music, and gaming.

      • The technology is both disruptive and redeemable, and the focus should be on responsible use and regulation to prevent misuse.

      • Laws should be established to regulate the use of deepfakes and punish bad-faith actors, while allowing democratic inputs to shape the future of the technology.

      • Protecting against the manipulation of hyper-realistic digital representations of image and voice should be considered a fundamental moral right.

      • It is important for individuals to become scientifically, digitally, and public-spiritedly literate to identify and address deepfakes.

      • China has taken strong measures by banning deepfaked visuals without permission and appropriate watermarking, leveraging its existing surveillance network.

      • Other approaches require self-restraint and depend on the ethics and values of individuals and society.

For Enquiry




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