Everything You Need To Know About 7 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

7 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. Nuh-Mewat — old template, new battleground.

Topic: GS1 – Indian society.


  • Violence during religious events has become a disturbing trend, with a brazen display of aggression.
  • A report titled “Routes of Wrath, Weaponising Religious Processions” highlighted violence during religious events across nine states last year.
  • The recent violence in Nuh district of Haryana, has followed a familiar template.

Reasons for increasing communal clashes in society:

  • Religious polarization and identity politics by political parties.
  • Spread of misinformation and hate speech through social media and online platforms.
  • Economic disparities and competition for resources leading to communal tensions.
  • Lack of effective law enforcement and swift action against perpetrators of communal violence.
  • Failure to address historical grievances and promote communal harmony.
  • Influence of extremist ideologies and radicalization of certain groups.
  • Inadequate interfaith dialogue and understanding among communities.
  • External influences and geopolitical factors exacerbating communal tensions.
  • Weak social cohesion and mistrust among different religious groups.

Effect of communal violence on society:

  • Loss of Lives and Injuries: Communal violence leads to the loss of innocent lives and injuries, causing immense human suffering.
  • Social Divisions: It deepens divisions along religious lines, leading to mistrust, fear, and hostility among communities.
  • Economic Disruptions: Communal violence disrupts economic activities, causing damage to businesses and infrastructure.
  • Erosion of Social Fabric: Communal violence weakens the social fabric and undermines the unity and diversity of society.
  • Impediment to Development: Communal violence hampers social and economic development, diverting resources to recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Heightened Security Measures: Increased security measures can lead to restrictions on civil liberties and a sense of insecurity in society.
  • Negative Perception Internationally: Communal violence tarnishes a country’s reputation internationally and may deter investments and tourism.

 Administrative steps to combat the situation:

  • Strengthen law enforcement and ensure swift action against perpetrators of communal violence.
  • Promote interfaith dialogue and understanding through community engagement programs.
  • Implement strict regulations on hate speech and misinformation on social media platforms.
  • Enhance intelligence gathering and surveillance to prevent the spread of extremist ideologies.
  • Establish special fast-track courts to expedite trials related to communal clashes.
  • Provide economic opportunities and development initiatives in communal-sensitive areas.
  • Train law enforcement personnel in handling communal situations with sensitivity and impartiality.
  • Encourage community leaders and religious figures to advocate for peace and harmony among their followers.

Question: Discuss the reasons of communal violence in society, also highlight it’s implications on social fabric. How can effective administrative measures be employed to prevent and mitigate communal violence while promoting communal harmony and social cohesion? (20 Marks)

2. The bureaucracy as prosecutor and judge.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


  • The Jan Vishwas Act, 2022, is a recently enacted legislation aimed at improving the “ease of doing business” in India.
  • The Act decriminalizes or makes “compoundable” offences across 42 legislations.

Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Bill, 2023:

  • Aim: The Bill aims to boost Ease of Living and Ease of Doing Business in India.
  • Proposed Amendments: It seeks to decriminalize 183 provisions in 42 Central Acts administered by 19 Ministries/Departments.
  • Methods of Decriminalization: The Bill proposes different methods of decriminalization, including removing imprisonment and/or fines, introducing compounding of offenses, and converting imprisonment and fines to penalties.
  • Effective Implementation: The Bill suggests pragmatic revision of fines and penalties, establishment of Adjudicating Officers and Appellate Authorities, and periodic increases in fines and penalties.
  • Balance: It ensures that the punishment aligns with the severity of the offense, promoting adherence to laws by businesses and citizens without compromising on law enforcement.
  • Benefits: The Amendment Bill will rationalize criminal provisions, reducing fear of imprisonment for minor, technical, or procedural defaults, and easing the burden on the justice system.
  • Impact on Citizens: Decriminalization will allow citizens and certain government employees to live without the fear of imprisonment for minor violations.
  • Landmark Legislation: The enactment of this Bill is a milestone in rationalizing laws, eliminating barriers, and promoting business growth. It sets a precedent for future amendments, saving time and cost for the Government and Businesses.

Issues raised against The Jan Vishwas Act, 2022:

  • Separation of power: The Act’s provision of giving the bureaucracy the power to adjudicate factual disputes, penalize, and order compensation raises concerns about the constitutional separation of powers.
  • Constitutionality of tribunals: The Act follows a pattern of the bureaucracy’s attempts to capture judicial power through judicial tribunals. The constitutionality of such tribunals and regulators has been challenged in courts, questioning the executive’s encroachment on judicial powers.
  • Concerns about the rule of law: Allowing bureaucrats to enforce the law, conduct inquiries, and impose penalties without independent oversight raises constitutional concerns and undermines the rule of law.
  • Lack of Deterrence: Critics may argue that decriminalizing certain offenses could reduce the deterrent effect of the law, leading to an increase in non-compliance and a negative impact on law enforcement.
  • Misuse of Provisions: There could be concerns about the potential misuse of decriminalization provisions by businesses and individuals to evade responsibility or engage in unethical practices, knowing that the consequences are less severe.
  • Dilution of Regulatory Compliance: Some may express concerns that decriminalization might lead to a lax approach to regulatory compliance, compromising safety standards and jeopardizing public welfare.
  • Need for Clarity: The Bill’s proposed methods of decriminalization and the establishment of Adjudicating Officers and Appellate Authorities may require further clarity to ensure effective implementation and fair decision-making.

Question: Discuss the objectives and proposed amendments of the Jan Vishwas Bill. Examine the potential benefits and concerns related to this decriminalization, and analyze its impact on law enforcement, accountability, and Ease of Doing Business in India. (20 Marks)

For Enquiry




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