6 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

6 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

Daily Current Affairs 6-October-2023 1. Norway’s Jon Fosse wins Nobel for literature. Topic: GS1 – International awards Context: Jon Fosse, a 64-year-old Norwegian playwright, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Additional information on this news: The Swedish Academy honored him “for his innovative plays and prose that give voice to the unsayable.” Fosse’s…

5 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

5 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

Daily Current Affairs 5-October-2023 1. Seven dead as glacial lake bursts in Sikkim. Topic: GS3 – disaster management Context: Flash floods struck Sikkim, resulting in at least seven deaths and numerous injuries and missing individuals. The floods were triggered by the overflow of a lake formed by the gradual melting of a Himalayan glacier. The…

4 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

4 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

Daily Current Affairs 4-October-2023 1. NewsClick founder arrested under UAPA. Topic: GS2 – Indian polity Context: Prabir Purkayastha, founder and Editor-in-Chief of NewsClick, has been arrested by the Delhi police in an alleged terror case under UAPA. Unlawful activities prevention act: The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, often abbreviated as UAPA, is an Indian law aimed…

3 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

3 October 2023 : Daily Current Affair

Daily Current Affairs 3-October-2023 1. Medicine Nobel 2023 goes to duo who paved the way for mRNA COVID vaccines. Topic: GS3. Context: The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their discoveries related to nucleoside base modification, enabling the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19….