30 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

30 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 30-November-2023 1) Stepping up, together Context: Following India’s one-year tenure as G20 president, attention turns to evaluation of the obstacles encountered and the revolutionary agenda pursued. The world has seen several changes during this time, including the COVID-19 pandemic’s aftermath, climate change risks, unstable financial markets, and mounting debt. India sought to provide…

28 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

28 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 28-November-2023 1) In DBT, D is for dignity Context: Globally acclaimed as a logistical wonder, India’s Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system uses digital public infrastructure to immediately distribute beneficiaries’ rewards from multiple government initiatives. According to reports, DBT has been used in 310 government programs across 53 ministries, with an estimated 1.14 percent of…

27 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

27 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 27-November-2023 1) NO COP-PING OUT Context: With record-breaking global temperatures and an urgent need to reduce emissions, the upcoming COP28 in Dubai, which starts on November 30, is expected to be a crucial test of nations’ will. A 43% reduction in emissions is recommended by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) this…

25 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

25 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 25-November-2023 1) CURBING EXUBERANCE Context: As stated in the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) July financial stability report, there is growing cause for concern regarding the recent spike in consumer lending, especially unsecured loans. Over the last two years, retail loans have increased at an unsettling rate that is almost twice as fast…

23 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

23 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 23-November-2023 1) PUBLIC GOOD VS FREEBIES Context: Much of the intellectual class has criticized political parties for their vast welfare pledges during the current state elections. This criticism is not new; the Supreme Court has already discussed the matter and voiced concern about the “irrational freebies” that political parties promise, which could put…

22 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

22 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 22-November-2023 1) On our terms, in our time Context: India’s Quad partners—Australia, Japan, and the US are renewing high-level political engagement with China, raising concerns about how suitably Delhi is currently handling Beijing relations. India’s position needs to be reevaluated in light of recent diplomatic encounters, such as Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s…

21 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

21 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 21-November-2023 1) Reining in the governor Context: The article focuses on the recent activities of Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi while discussing the constitutional issues and debates surrounding the position of governors in Indian states. It draws attention to the problems that come with keeping the colonial system of governors in place as…

20 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

20 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 20-November-2023 1) A plan to manage stubble Context: Crop debris, especially stubble, was used for fuel in kitchens and as animal feed until a few decades ago. But in the 1990s, something changed, prompted by things like heavily subsidized or free electricity for groundwater extraction. As a result, states like Punjab and Haryana…

18 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

18 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 18-November-2023 1) A stake in stability Context: Given that West Asia is an important energy supplier, trading partner, and strategic ally, peace in the region continues to be India’s top goal. Now in its sixth week, the Israel-Hamas conflict raises questions about possible spread and destabilization throughout the larger West Asian region. India-US…