23 August 2023 : Indian Express

23 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 23-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. RESISTING LANDSLIDES Context: The deaths and destruction by landslides in Himachal Pradesh last week have led to much-needed attention on the Himalayan ecosystem–the world’s youngest and roughest mountain chain….

22 August 2023 : Indian Express

22 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 22-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. CONNECT J&K DOTS Context: An investigation by Indian Express newspaper has revealed that a devastating epidemic of drug addiction, mostly affecting young men, is sweeping across Kashmir, wreaking havoc…

21 August 2023 : Indian Express

21 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 21-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. PEELING THE ONION       Topic: GS3-Economy Context: The Union government imposed a 40 percent duty on onion exports. The duty, which will remain in place till December 31, is…

18 August 2023 : Indian Express

18 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 18-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. STANDING THE GROUND Context: The Latest round of border talks between India and China did not lead to any solution, according to the official readout after the meeting. Background:…

17 August 2023 : Indian Express

17 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 17-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. GLOBAL HEADWINDS Topic: GS3-Economy Context: The Trade Data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry a few days ago points towards a continuing weakness in India’s exports. Major…

16 August 2023 : Indian Express

16 August 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 16-August–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. Extreme weather events in the Himalayas are a warning. Ecology must be respected while planning development. Topic: GS3 – Disaster Management Context: The large toll taken by cloudbursts and…

19 July 2023 : Indian Express

19 July 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 19-July–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. An economy more future-ready Prelims: Indian Economy Mains: GS-II< Indian Economy and Inclusive Growth and Arising from It> Context: With Covid- 19 receding and, hopefully, with Russia-Ukraine War coming…

18 July 2023 : Indian Express

18 July 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 18-July–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. HUF AND UNIFORM CIVIL CODE Prelims: Hindu Succession Act and Uniform Civil Code Mains:  GS-I < Social Empowerment> and GS-II, Indian Constitution < Uniform Civil Code> Context: LAW Commission…

13 July 2023 : Indian Express

13 July 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 13-July–2023 The Indian Express, CSE candidates can stay informed about current events and developments in India and around the world. Facebook-f Twitter Youtube 1. GREAT EXPECTATIONS Syllabus – GS II Context – Recommendations of the Finance Commission mostly remain on paper. Finance Commission A FC is set up under Article 280 of the…