Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism. Mains Test

Mains Test Series Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism. Q. Discuss communalism in Indian society as a product of its history. (150 Words) Introduction: Communalism refers to the belief in the primacy of one’s religious community over others, often leading to conflict and violence between different religious groups. Communalism as an ideology emphasizes the interests and identity…

Social Empowerment Mains Test

Mains Test Series Social Empowerment Q. The notion that reservation has led to new forms of discrimination against the people protected by it. In this context, suggest measures to address the issue of marginalisation in modern Indian society. Answer: Introduction: Reservation is a form of affirmative action for the socioculturally and economically backward classes. This…

Effects of Globalization on Indian Society Mains Test

Mains Test Series Effects of Globalization on Indian Society. Q. Do you think global identity threatens the idea of India? Discuss Introduction Globalisation is the integration of economies and societies worldwide, driven by democracy and capitalism. It involves the free flow of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people. Globalisation can sometimes be…

Urbanization, their problems and their remedies Mains Test

Mains Test Series Urbanization, their problems and their remedies. Q. Do you think that India has overcome the Middle-Income trap? Justify your view. Introduction: A middle-income trap is a situation in which a country attains a certain average income, gets stuck at that middle-income level, and cannot transition to a high-income level.  World Bank defines…

Issues relating to poverty and hunger Mains Test

Mains Test Series Issues relating to poverty and hunger Q. Urbanization is not synonymous with development. Discuss in the context of Inequalities in the Urban Landscape in India. Introduction: Urbanisation is the process of transformation of a rural way of life into urban civilisation through development, migration, or change in economic activities. India is rapidly…

Population and Associated Issues Mains Test

Mains Test Series Population and Associated Issues Q. Critically Examine whether the Growing Population is the cause of Poverty in India or whether Poverty is the cause of Growing Population in India. (150 Words) Introduction: According to the World Bank, Poverty is a pronounced deprivation in well-being and comprises many dimensions. It includes low incomes…

Role of Women and Women’s Organizations Mains Test

Mains Test Series Role of Women and Women’s Organizations Q. The women in India face various health-related issues stemming from their social position. Is increasing the age of Marriage for women a paramount solution in this regard? (250 words) Introduction: The National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) shows that women in India face various health challenges;…

Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India Mains Test

Mains Test Series Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India. Q. Highlight the reason that makes Indian Society Unique in sustaining its culture. Answer: Indian culture has one of the longest history among various world cultures. For ages, India accommodated different elements of Society without letting them lose their separate identities.  India has a…

political philosophies like Communism, Capitalism, Socialism etc their forms and effect on the society Mains Test

Mains Test Series political philosophies like Communism, Capitalism, Socialism etc.— their forms and effect on the society Q. Discuss the influence of capitalism and socialism on India’s socioeconomic and political development. (150 words)   Solutions Introduction Capitalism is an economic system in which private players own and control property according to their interests, and supply…

Redrawal of National Boundaries, Colonization, Decolonization Mains Test

Mains Test Series Redrawal of National Boundaries, Colonization, Decolonization Q. Throw light on the significant events that resulted in the redrawal of national boundaries in the post-World War 2 era. Solution   Introduction The result of World War II radically altered the political world map with the defeat of the Axis powers Germany, Italy and…