History of the World will include events from the 18th century, such as Industrial Revolution and world wars Mains Test

Mains Test Series History of the World will include events from the 18th century, such as Industrial Revolution and world wars Q. Japan was a victim of many humiliations, which led to a popular urge for the projection of power that climaxed in the 2nd World War. Do you agree? Explain. Ans.     Pre-requisites:   Intro:…

Post-independence Consolidation and Reorganization within the country. Mains Test

Mains Test Series Post-independence Consolidation and Reorganization within the country. Q. Assess the administrative and socio-economic issues in the integration process of Indian princely states. (250 words) Solution Introduction The Indian Independence Act, 1947 provided for the division of India and the formation of two independent dominions of India and Pakistan, respectively. Also, a choice…

Partition of India, Constituent Assembly and Indian Independence Mains Test

Mains Test Series Partition of India, Constituent Assembly and Indian Independence. Q. The unplanned Mountbatten plan caused obliquity in arranging the partition details and failed to prevent genocide. Discuss. (150 words)  Solution Introduction   On 5th July 1947, the British parliament passed the Indian Independence Act based on the Mountbatten Plan, which got royal assent on…

Quit India movement, Independence plans, Partition of India, Constituent Assembly and Indian Independence Mains Test

Mains Test Series Quit India movement, Independence plans, Partition of India, Constituent Assembly and Indian Independence. Q. The August movement was completely un-Gandhian in its form and intention. Critically analyse. (250 words)  Introduction   In July 1942, the Congress working committee met at Wardha and adopted the ‘Quit India Resolution’ authorising Gandhi to take charge…

GoI act, 1935, Poona Pact, Forward Block, communists and socialists, Politics before World war II Mains Test

Mains Test Series GoI act, 1935, Poona Pact, Forward Block, communists and socialists, Politics before World war II. Q. In the context of communal award, discuss the impact of the Poona pact on Indian society. (250 words) Solution Introduction: On 16 August 1932, McDonald announced the proposal for minority representation, known as the Communal Award,…

Revolutionary Activities, Constitutional reform demands and its politics, Civil Disobedience. Mains Test

Mains Test Series Revolutionary Activities, Constitutional reform demands and its politics, Civil Disobedience. Q. Discuss the limitations of the Civil disobedience movement. (150 words) Solution  Introduction: Gandhiji presented 11 points following the mandates given by the Lahore congress and issued an ultimatum of January 1930. With no positive response from the government on these demands,…

Montague-Chelmsford reforms, Non-cooperation movements and its aftermath, Temple entry movements and local revolts Mains Test

Mains Test Series Montague-Chelmsford reforms, Non-cooperation movements and its aftermath, Temple entry movements and local revolts   Q. How were the Swarajists justified in their stance to enter the council? What were the arguments of the no-changers against that stance? Solution Introduction Swarajists were led by CR Das and Motilal Nehru and believed that Councils…

Congress split and reunion, Advent of Gandhi, Local Satyagrah till Rawlatt Mains Test

Mains Test Series Congress split and reunion, Advent of Gandhi, Local Satyagrah till Rawlatt  Q. The arrival of Mahatma Gandhi removed the rift in the Indian nationalists. Do you agree? Elucidate.  Solution: Introduction: After the Surat split, the Indian nationalist ranks seemed divided. The Communal electorate introduced in 1909 also divided the national unity. The…

Swadeshi Movement and Early Revolutionary activities. Minto-Morley Reforms Mains Test

Mains Test Series Swadeshi Movement and Early Revolutionary activities. Minto-Morley Reforms Q. The Swadeshi movement failed in achieving its immediate objective, though it contributed immensely to India’s freedom struggle-critically analyse (250 words) Answer introduction The Swadeshi movement spread as a reaction to Curzon’s reactionary policies and, more importantly, his policy of the Bengal partition. It…

Various Council Acts, Early Political Activity, Social and Religious Developments Mains Test

Mains Test Series Various Council Acts, Early Political Activity, Social and Religious Developments Q1. The British Empire woke up Indians from their dogmatic slumber, which led to a spiritual rediscovery of India. Elucidate (150 words) Solution Introduction In the first half of 19 th century, Indian society was caste-ridden and decadent. Some enlightened Indians, like…