Everything You Need To Know About Hindu Shahis

Hindu Shahis

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⦁ Hindu Shahis ruled the western part of the Indian subcontinent, including the Kabul Valley, Gandhara and west Punjab, between 822-1026 CE.

Everything You Need To Know About Hindu Shahis(Image Source: Wikipedia)
⦁ Kallar, a Brahmin vizier of the Turk Shahis, founded the Hindu Shahi dynasty.
⦁ Mahmud of Ghazni as a prince and then as the Sultan of Ghazni, led multiple raids against the Hindu Shahis, who initially had their capital at Ubandha or Waihind (Peshawar).
⦁ Hindushahi rulers Jayapala and Anandapala stood firm against Mahmud’s multiple onslaughts. The Battle of Chaach 1008 CE was decisive, by which Anandapal became a feudatory of Mahmud based in Lahore.
⦁ Finally, in 1015 CE, Anandapal’s successors were ousted from Lahore, and Mahmud was poised to attack the Indo-Gangetic valley.

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