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  • This article will describe the query- is self-preparation for the IAS exam enough to clear it? 
  • It starts with some of the important IAS preparation trivia which includes the ideal time for the preparation for the UPSC exam, how to start the exam followed by which book to use, how to make notes, how to practice personal interviews and how to obey a specific schedule for study.
  • Next, the importance of coaching will appear followed by the self-preparation success in UPSC.
  • After that, the importance of self-preparation will appear with the tips of Sarjana Yadav for cracking the IAS exam.
  • The article concludes with a short bottom line and some of the frequently asked questions.

Is Self-Preparation For the IAS Exam Enough to Clear it?

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) operates India’s most famous and competitive recruitment examination known as the UPSC Civil Service exam. Many aspirants get confused about how to start preparing for IAS, IPS and IFS.

We will never say that one can clear this difficult exam in a single attempt, but yes there are examples of many people who have cleared the exam by the self-disciplined method. Self-study or self-preparation is necessary to get success in any exam. In civil service, it is the best way to reach the destination.

So, today’s article will solve the confusion of the aspirants which is -.Is Self-Preparation Enough to Clear the IAS Exam? We will provide the aspects of this topic. For added IAS exam information check Study Material for Free IAS Preparation and Prepare for UPSC Exam Online.

What Are the Important IAS Preparation Trivia?

IAS, IPS and IFS exams are held once a year under the Union Public Service Commission. Generally, the age 21 to 32 years old can participate in this exam. In this case, the upper age limit of reserved category candidates has been given relaxation. But this time let’s talk about preparation.

1) Ideal Time for UPSC Exam Preparation:

Although there is no such thing as an ideal time, candidates are expected to have a rough plan. At least one year is required for civil services preparation. Because the exam is conducted through 3 stages namely preliminary, written (main) and interview methods. The whole process takes about a year to complete. So, a candidate has to invest at least two years of his life in preparation. In that case, it is necessary to keep this matter in mind while starting the preparation.

2) How to Start Preparing?

It is essential to thoroughly research the exam, and talk to people you know or are connected to the profession before preparing. It is very important to study the exam syllabus carefully and have an idea about the previous year’s question papers. As the IAS syllabus is divided into two parts – Primary and Main and the central section is based on the general studies section which contains questions from Geography, History, Politics, English, Hindi, Regional Languages, and International Relations.

3) Which Book to Start With?

A habit of reading the books provided by NCERT thoroughly should be practised so that candidates can easily understand the core of each topic. Generally, previous candidates suggest reading NCERT books of classes 6th to 12th during exam preparation. Also one should start reading daily newspapers as soon as possible to solve current affairs problems. Studying daily newspapers helps in developing different perspectives on the same subject.

4) Making Notes:

Candidates should practice making their notes regularly. After reading a small part of a subject, all the information can be recorded in the form of notes. It is important to know not only what to study in the civil services exam but also what not to study. Sections to be noted can be made quickly and memorable with highlighters. Also, the use of lots of diagrams, and maps will help the candidates later during revision.

5) Practising Regularly:

Practice is the key to success in any area of life. Regular practice of appearing in mock tests and writing answers makes even tough exams like civil services a lot easier. It can be increased gradually by starting with a small number initially. But do not let yourself down with a low mock test score.

6) Personal Interview:

Candidates are usually required to fill out a Detailed Application Form (DAF) before UPSC Interview. It contains information about the candidate’s academic background, previous work experience, preferences etc. During the interview, candidates are asked questions on this topic. So one should be aware before filling out DAF.

7) Following Specific Time-Table:

At the beginning of preparation, it is better to make a time frame for preparation according to the Civil Services exam pattern and syllabus length. Candidates will get an opportunity to verify themselves. Daily reading progress, revision and practice should be tried to be maintained within the fixed schedule. But don’t forget to take breaks between studies as this will increase your concentration.

What is the Need For Coaching?

Most of the students are confused about this question. Although coaching is important in the civil services exams it is not decisive. Students can also seek guidance from other senior candidates and college professors. Especially after the pandemic, the importance of free online classes or module classes has increased, and the need to go to a specific location for coaching is now decreasing. Be aware of optional subjects.

In many cases, the success and failure of this exam are judged on the candidates’ optional subjects. Hence candidates should select subjects based on their area of interest, length of optional courses, time available for preparation and academic background.

How to Get Success in UPSC With the Help of Self-Preparation?

While preparing for Civil Services, most people are in a state of confusion regarding coaching. Some people consider coaching is necessary for success, while some people talk about reaching the destination through self-preparation.

If you are also struggling with this problem, then you should know the story of 2019 IAS officer Sarjana Yadav. Sarjana fulfilled her dream of becoming an IAS through self-study. Sarjana Yadav had done the first two attempts of UPSC with a job. She didn’t get success in this, but she didn’t lose courage and then left the job and worked hard on the third attempt, she got success.

Why is Self-Preparation Very Important at UPSC?

IAS officer Sarjana Yadav says whether you do coaching or not, you have to do self-study in any case. According to her, self-preparation is the key to success. If your preparation is not being done properly and you do not have guidance, then you can take the help of coaching. If you are moving ahead in a better direction without coaching, then you should rely on self-preparation. Sarjana Yadav believes that those who are preparing from small towns should also have full faith in themselves. If you work hard then success will surely come.

IAS Sarjana Yadav’s Tips for Self-Preparation

First of all, the candidates preparing for UPSC should make a blueprint. In this, everything from the schedule, strategy to everything should be mentioned. Only after this one should proceed. Sarjana Yadav says that always limited resources should be kept for UPSC preparation. This will not confuse you and will strengthen your preparation. If you are facing any problem, you can take the help of the internet. In today’s time, there is a lot of material available on YouTube, take full advantage of it and strengthen your preparation. Sarjana Yadav says that if you study keeping the quality in mind then you can achieve success soon.


As candidates have decided to join one of the prestigious services of the country and appear for one of the toughest exams in the country, don’t forget your goals, motivation and commitment. Candidates should remember that no matter how tough the exam is, anyone can crack it with desire and perseverance, there are enough examples in the history of UPSC. So start your UPSC exam preparation at home now.

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