Tribal Movement In India- Complete Notes For Upsc

Tribal Movement in India- Complete Notes for UPSC

Tribal Movement in India From the beginning, tribal people had lived in rural India in varying economic conditions and relative seclusion. They kept their distinct identity despite their interactions with non-tribal people. Each tribal community continued to have its own political and economic structures, as well as its own socio-religious and cultural life. Land and…

British Expansion In India – Mysore, Maratha
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British Expansion in India – Mysore, Maratha

British Expansion in India The political situation in Deccan In the 1760s, the neighbouring states in the Deccan came into conflict with each other in their attempt to expand their territories to fulfil their need for resources. Three factors pushed this conflict: Maratha’s Loss in 1761 made them weaker and a target for the neighbouring…

Towards The Civil Disobedience Movement
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Towards the Civil Disobedience Movement

The withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement (NCM) and the imprisonment of Gandhi in March 1922 weakened the national movement, and it entered a passive phase. As a result, the nationalist ranks became disorganized, disintegrated, and demoralized. Gaya Annual Session of the Congress (1922) Two currents of thought emerged within the Congress after the NCM regarding…

Partition Of India: Summary, Cause, And Impact- Complete Notes For Upsc
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Partition of India: Summary, Cause, and Impact- Complete Notes for UPSC

In July 1946, the Muslim League withdrew from accepting the Cabinet mission plan in response to Nehru’s statement and called for “direct action” on 16 August to achieve its goals for Pakistan. In this chapter, we will discuss the emergence of communalism and its culmination with the partition of India and the formation of Pakistan….

Land Revenue System In British India- Upsc Modern History Notes
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Land Revenue System in British India- UPSC Modern History Notes

Land Revenue System in British India Land revenue settlement refers to the system in which land tax revenue is agreed between the owner of the occupied land or any other assigned leader and government. The government collects tax revenue directly from cultivators (Ryotwari) or indirectly through an appointed representative (Permanent settlement). Early revenue settlement under…

Establishment Of The British Rule In India: Timeline And Impact- Complete Upsc Notes
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Establishment of the British Rule in India: Timeline and Impact- Complete UPSC Notes

India before the British rule in India Political scenario in India The Mughals – After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the decline of the Mughals started. Rulers of the Mughals were now weak and engrossed in political conflict for inheritance or dominance in the court. The Marathas – The third battle of Panipat in…

Advent Of Europeans In India In Chronological Order- Complete Upsc Notes
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Advent of Europeans in India in Chronological Order- Complete UPSC Notes

Advent of Europeans in India The history of modern India can be traced back to the advent of Europeans in India. The trade routes between India and Europe were long and winding, passing through the Oxus Valley, Syria, and Egypt. We have already seen the advent of Portuguese in the Medieval India. We shall see the advent of…