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Electoral Reforms

India, being the world’s biggest democracy and now dubbed as the “mother of democracy”, it becomes crucial to conduct a smooth transfer of power through free and fair elections that reflect the political and socio-economic aspirations of its people. In a democracy, it is through elections that the general public participates in public affairs and…

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Proposed Electoral Reforms

Over the years, several committees set up by the union government, Law Commission reports, and the Election Commission itself have proposed wide-ranging electoral reforms such as issues related to the criminalisation of politics, electoral financing, the autonomy of the Election Commission, Anti-defection law, paid news, simultaneous elections, Right to reject, Model code of conduct etc….

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Types of urban local government

The Government of India Act 1935 brought local government within the purview of the provincial government and granted them enhanced powers. Since that time, local government evolved a lot. Currently, eight types of urban local bodies are visible in India.   We shall cover these bodies in this chapter. Municipal Corporation: Municipalities (Municipal Board/Municipal Council/…

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Issues associated with Urban Local Government

Urban governance and management have predominantly been the constitutional domain of state government. These local institutions of urban government have become weak over the years due to many factors, including encroachment on traditional and legitimate municipal functions by creating parastatals and urban development authorities, a weak executive system, fragile fiscal health, and inadequate staffing and…

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Panchayati Raj is an insignificant provision of the Gandhian principle. However, the constitution did not obligate governments to constitute panchayats. Article 40 of the Indian Constitution only provided a Directive Principle of State Policy that said the state should organise village panchayats and give them the necessary powers and authority to function. However, this was not mandatory…

Supreme Court
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Supreme Court

Introduction:  Indian judiciary is an integrated judiciary consisting of the Supreme Court of India at the apex of the entire judicial system below which there are the High Courts in each State or group of States. Below the High Courts lies a hierarchy of Subordinate Courts. Panchayat Courts also function in some States under various…

High Court
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High Court

In the integrated judiciary, the High Court operates below the Supreme Court and above the subordinate Court. High Courts are the highest judicial body at the State level. As per Article 214, there shall be High Courts for every State. There are 25 High Courts in India. Among the Union Territories Delhi, – and Union…