Everything You Need To Know About Administrative Unification Under The British Empire
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Administrative Unification under the British Empire

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Administrative Unification under the British Empire

The establishment of the British Empire allowed not only the political unification of the country but also Administrative and Economic unification. Pre-British India was divided into many feudal states, frequently struggling among themselves to extend their boundaries.

A conception of unity existed, but that was limited to ‘geographical Unity’ and the religious-cultural unity. Even though monarchs like Ashoka, Samudragupta, and Akbar attempted to unify the country politically, the political and administrative unity achieved was only nominal.

The British conquest of India between 1757 and 1857 led to the establishment of a centralised state, which brought about a real political unification of the country for the first time in Indian history. A unified economy and modern means of communication like Telegram and railways may have helped the British achieve political and administrative unity.

In this article, we shall study these changes introduced with the establishment of British rule.

Legislative and Constitutional Reforms

 1. The Act for The Better Government of India, 1858

The Government of India Act of 1858 passed the effective control from the East India Company to the British Crown. The court of directors and the board of directors were dissolved, and its place was taken by the secretary of state of India and his council of 15.

Administrative Unification Under The British Empire- The Government Of India Act, 1858
The Government Of India Act, 1858

The Governor-General was now called the Viceroy. The Viceroy was reduced to a subordinate position in relation to the British government.

2. Indian Councils Act, 1861

The Indian Councils Act of 1861 reversed the centralising trend in the administration that began with the Regulating Act of 1773. It made the following provisions:

  • It revived the legislative powers of the Madras and Bombay presidencies, which were taken away by the Charter Act of 1833. Legislative councils in other Provinces like Bengal (1862) and NWFP (1886) were introduced.
  • For legislative purposes, the Governor-General’s council could have 6-12 additional members, of which half of them were to be non-official.
  • For the first time, 3 Indians, Raja of Benaras, Maharaja of Patiala & Sir Dinkar Rao, were included in the legislative council.
  • A fifth member, who was to be a jurist, was added to the Viceroy’s executive council.
  • A Portfolio system was introduced in which a member of the Viceroy’s council was made in charge of one or more government departments and was authorised to issue orders on behalf of the whole council.
  • The Viceroy was given the power to veto the council in certain matters as well as the power to issue ordinances.
    The Indian Councils Act 1861
    The Indian Councils Act 1861

After 1861, several small steps were taken to improve the administrative system in India under lord Mayo and Rippon, and several powers were transferred to the provincial level at the administrative level. However, no major legislative changes were introduced all this while. The next major legislative Change came in 1892.

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