Everything You Need To Know About State Information Commission
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State Information Commission UPSC Notes

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State Information Commission

The Right to Information Act, 2005, besides the Central Information Commission, also provides for the State Information Commission.

It has been mandated to act upon the complaints and appeals under the act against public information officers in offices, financial institutions, and Public sector undertakings under the concerned state government.

Besides, the Commission is also entrusted with the duty of monitoring the public authorities and sending reports to the state legislature about the implementation of the provisions of the act. It also has the authority to provide recommendations about the efficient working of the act.

Constitution and Composition of the State Information Commission

  • Section 15 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 provides for the constitution of the state information commission.
  • The state information commissioner consists of :
    1. The State Chief Information Commissioner;
    2. Not more than 10 state information commissioners.

Qualification of Members of State Information Commission

  • The State Chief Information Commissioner and state information commissioners should be a person of eminence in public life, possessing extensive knowledge and expertise in fields such as law, social service, science and technology, management, journalism, mass media, or administration and governance.
  • Further, they should not be an MP or MLA of any state or union territory or, hold any other office of profit or related to any political party or carry out any business or profession.

Appointment of State Information Commissioner’s

The Governor appoints the state chief information commissioner and other state information commissioner on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of:

  1. The Chief Minister (Chairperson of the selection committee);
  2. The leader of the opposition (LoP) of the legislative assembly; and
  3. A state cabinet Minister (nominated by the CM)

Note: Where the leader of the opposition is not recognised as such, the leader of the single largest party in the legislative assembly will be deemed as the leader of the opposition in the legislative assembly.

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