
Genome editing is bringing clarity to the study of hereditary cancers

(Source – The Hindu, International Edition – Page No. – 7)

Topic: GS3Science and Technology
  • Genetic editing, particularly through techniques like CRISPR, allows precise modifications in DNA, holding immense promise in treating cancer.
  • This technology can correct mutations, personalise treatments, and overcome drug resistance.
What Is Genetic Editing?

Everything You Need To Know About

  • Genetic editing is a process that involves altering the DNA of living organisms to modify specific genes.
  • Techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 allow scientists to add, remove, or modify genetic material at precise locations within the genome.
  • It is used in research, medicine, and agriculture to correct genetic mutations, study disease mechanisms, or enhance traits in organisms.
  • In medical science, genetic editing holds great potential for treating genetic disorders by targeting defective genes directly and restoring their normal function, making it a promising tool for future therapies.

How Genetic Editing Can Help in Cancer:

  • Correcting Mutations: Genetic editing can target and correct specific mutations responsible for causing cancer.
  • Identifying Drug Targets: It allows researchers to understand the role of genes in cancer progression and identify new drug targets.
  • Personalised Therapies: Genetic editing can be used to develop therapies tailored to an individual’s genetic profile, improving treatment outcomes.
  • Drug Resistance: By studying cancer cells’ responses to treatments, genetic editing can help overcome drug resistance in therapies like chemotherapy.
  • Early Detection: Gene editing tools can help identify early genetic changes that predispose individuals to cancer, enabling preventive measures.
Practice Question:  Discuss the potential of genetic editing technology like CRISPR in revolutionising cancer treatment. What are the ethical and regulatory challenges associated with its widespread adoption in medical science? (150 Words /10 marks)

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