Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

13 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs



Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Right to life includes the right not to be tied down by casteism, says HC

Topic: GS2.


      • The High Court has directed the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) to update the father’s surname in the Class 10 and 12 certificates of two brothers belonging to the Scheduled Caste community.


      • The High Court has directed the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) to update the father’s surname in the Class 10 and 12 certificates of two brothers belonging to the Scheduled Caste community.

      • The brothers’ father had changed his surname from ‘Mochi’ to ‘Nayak’ due to caste atrocities he had experienced.

      • The siblings were successful in changing their father’s name on his Aadhaar and PAN cards but faced denial from the CBSE for the name change in their educational certificates.

      • Justice Mini Pushkarna stated that the right to live with dignity, free from casteism, is part of the right to life.

      • The court emphasized the importance of living a life of dignity, which includes not being constrained by caste-based discrimination.

2. ISRO, Norway and the ‘Svalbard mission’

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


      • On November 20, 1997, the Rohini RH-300 Mk-II sounding rocket, shipped from India, was launched from Svalbard, Norway, marking the operationalization of a new rocket launching range.


      • The rocket was renamed Isbjorn-1 (Polar Bear-I) by the Norwegian Space Centre (NSC).

      • The mission presented unique challenges for ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) as the rockets had previously flown only in tropical conditions and the Arctic temperatures in Svalbard were extremely low.

      • The rocket achieved a lower altitude than predicted due to the velostat shroud covering it, which was intended to be pierced during launch but ended up causing increased drag.

      • Despite the lower altitude, the Norwegian scientists were satisfied with the launch as it provided valuable data and marked a new era of cooperation in space research between India and Norway.

3.Will a hike in MSP help farmers?

Topic: GS3 – Agriculture sector.


      • The government has announced an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for summer (kharif) season crops to ensure remunerative prices to growers and encourage crop diversification.


      • Farmer representatives are unhappy with the “meagre” hike in MSP, as they believe it fails to provide a fair price and does not address their financial struggles.

      • Farmers propose giving legal status to the MSP and establishing an assured market mechanism to ensure that their produce is purchased at the MSP.

      • Agriculture experts highlight the need for effective implementation of the MSP and procurement of all crops at the MSP to promote crop diversification and raise farmers’ income.

      • The current foodgrain stock in the country is at a comfortable level, but the delay in monsoon may impact cropping in non-irrigated regions.

      • To address farmers’ financial distress, the government should focus on providing assured purchase and returns for all major crops at the MSP and consider extending subsidies on input costs.

4. Betelgeuse, the bright red giant star.

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


      • Researchers from Japan and Switzerland have examined the pulsation of the star Betelgeuse and concluded that it is in its late carbon-burning stage, indicating that it is nearing its death.


      • Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation Orion, and its pulsation matches theoretical estimates of a late carbon-burning stage, suggesting it is in its final phase before collapsing into a supernova.

      • In the life cycle of massive stars like Betelgeuse, they burn hydrogen to produce helium and then switch to using helium to make carbon. As they continue to burn different elements, they eventually reach a stage where their core is filled with iron, leading to a collapse and explosion.

      • Betelgeuse expands and contracts due to the periodic heating and cooling of hydrogen in its outer layers, causing it to dim and brighten at regular intervals.

      • The study’s findings have sparked some controversy, with a rival team suggesting a lower estimated radius for Betelgeuse and differing opinions on its distance and luminosity.

      • While it is widely accepted that Betelgeuse will eventually explode into a supernova, the exact timing remains uncertain, and predicting a supernova “in a few tens of years” is considered a stretch.

5. COVID, geopolitical tensions affected development: PM

Topic: GS2 – International relations.


      • Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the G-20 Development Ministers’ meeting in Varanasi, highlighting the impact of geopolitical tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic on development in the global south.


      • PM called for inclusive and fair efforts to achieve global developmental goals and emphasized India’s women-led development model.

      • The External Affairs Minister stressed the need to address supply chain disruptions and cautioned against a cherry-picking approach to collective challenges.

      • The disruptions caused by the global pandemic and geopolitical tensions, including food, fuel, and fertilizer crises, have affected the countries of the global south.

      • The G-20 Development Ministers’ Meeting focused on supply chain disruptions, food and energy security challenges, climate change, and post-pandemic recovery.

      • While PM did not explicitly mention the Ukraine crisis in his speech, it was discussed during the meeting, with members strongly condemning the war and acknowledging its impact on the global economy.

      • Prime Minister called for overcoming the challenges posed by the “data divide” and emphasized the importance of high-quality data for development goals.

      • He highlighted the use of technology as a tool for empowerment, data accessibility, and inclusivity, offering India’s experience to partner countries.

      • PM urged the G-20 to adopt the Action Plan for Women-led Development and emphasized the role of women in setting developmental targets.

6. U.S. decides to return to UNESCO’s fold

Topic: GS2 – organisations.


      • The United States plans to rejoin UNESCO, the UN cultural and scientific agency, after a decade-long dispute.


      • The decision comes with a commitment to pay more than $600 million in back dues.

      • The dispute began when UNESCO included Palestine as a member, leading the U.S. to withdraw from the organization.

      • U.S. officials express concern that China is gaining influence in UNESCO policymaking and see rejoining as a way to counterbalance China’s role.

      • The decision to return reflects a shift in U.S. priorities and recognition of the importance of international cultural and scientific cooperation.

7. Multi-pronged policy must for growth: Patra

Topic: GS3 – Indian economy.


      • Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor M.D. Patra has called for a multi-pronged policy response to reignite and sustain productivity and growth.


      • The policy response should focus on technological capital deepening and long-term investment in research and development to foster a competitive innovation ecosystem.

      • Increasing labor force participation rates, particularly among women, can also contribute to boosting productivity.

      • Patra highlighted digitalization as a crucial avenue for future productivity growth, citing its potential to rapidly disseminate and replicate ideas, informational goods, and business processes at minimal cost.

8. India, UAE target $100 bn in non-oil trade by 2030.

Topic: GS2 – International relations.


      • India and the UAE have set a target to increase non-oil trade from $48 billion to $100 billion by 2030.


      • The goal was established during the first meeting of the Joint Committee of India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).

      • The $100 billion target does not include oil trade.

      • Sub-committees and councils will be established to address various aspects of the agreement.

      • A new sub-committee will be formed to handle issues related to services trade.

      • An India-UAE CEPA council will be created to facilitate the implementation of the agreement.

For Enquiry




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