Everything You Need To Know About 23 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

23 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs



Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1. Modi’s U.S. visit yields many vital agreements.

Topic: GS2 – International relations.


      • India and the U.S. have announced agreements on defence cooperation, critical and emerging technologies, health, environment, visas, and space during Prime Minister’s visit.

More about the news:

      • The agreements include a deal that could lead to the transfer of jet engine technology.

      • Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Joseph Biden during his first state visit to the United States.

      • The leaders emphasized the strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two countries and highlighted their shared democratic values.

      • Mr. Modi received a ceremonial welcome at the White House South Lawn.

      • Both leaders held a press conference and addressed questions on democracy in India and climate change.

      • Mr. Modi affirmed that democracy is ingrained in the DNA of India and that there is no discrimination in the country.

      • Prime Minister Modi expressed India’s willingness to contribute to restoring peace in the war in Ukraine.

      • Protests took place demanding that President Biden raise human rights issues with Prime Minister Modi.

      • Both leaders emphasized the importance of the U.S.-India relationship, with President Biden stating that it will be one of the defining relationships of the 21st century.

      • Agreements were made in areas such as defence, critical and emerging technology, health, energy, and mobility, signifying a “next generation partnership.”

Source: The Hindu, 23 July 2023 – page 1

2. GE Aerospace, HAL sign MoU for manufacture of jet engines in India

Topic: GS2 – Defence cooperation


      • GE Aerospace has signed an MoU with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to produce fighter jet engines for India’s indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA).

More about the news:

      • The agreement includes the potential joint production of GE Aerospace’s F414 engines in India, pending authorization from the U.S. Congress.

      • GE Aerospace’s commitment includes building 99 engines for the Indian Air Force as part of the LCA Mk2 program.

      • The company aims to create a family of products in India, including the F404 engine for the LCA Mk1 and Mk1A, as well as collaborating on the development of the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program.

      • The LCA Mk2 will be a larger and more capable jet powered by the F414 engine.

      • The partnership is seen as a historic agreement, offering economic and national security benefits for both countries.

      • The development of the LCA Mk2 has received sanction and is expected to roll out a prototype by 2024-25.

      • India is also planning the development of the fifth-generation AMCA, which will require a more powerful engine and potential international collaboration.

      • The F414 engine has a proven track record with over five million flight hours and is used by eight nations.

Source: The Hindu, 23 July 2023 – page 15

3. FG-20 Education Ministers agree on equitable use of AI

Topic: GS3 – Education


      • The Education Ministers of G-20 countries held a meeting in Pune and agreed on the equitable and inclusive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and skilling, with a focus on respecting human rights.

What’s in the news?

      • All G-20 members recognized the crucial role of education in promoting human dignity and empowerment worldwide.

      • The outcome statement emphasized the need for collaboration among G-20 members to build a resilient, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future through education.

      • Access to quality education and training was deemed essential for everyone, regardless of age, gender, socio-economic or cultural background, or any learning difficulties or special needs. The statement highlighted the importance of developing not only academic knowledge but also life, technical, and vocational skills to prepare learners for the future. Lifelong learning was also emphasized.

      • The meeting acknowledged the significant role of digital transformations, women-led development, the green transition, and education on sustainable development and lifestyles in advancing progress towards sustainable development goals.

      • The commitment to bridging the digital divide for all learners and addressing technological infrastructure barriers was reiterated. G-20 members agreed to collaborate in developing affordable and easily accessible technology ecosystems and learning resources, including in local languages. The use of AI in education and skilling was emphasized, with a focus on respecting human rights.

      • Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a video message to the G-20, highlighted the importance of continuous skill development to prepare youth for the future. He mentioned India’s initiative of skill mapping and suggested that G-20 countries undertake global skill mapping to identify and address skill gaps.

Source: The Hindu, 23 July 2023 – page 16

4. Amid search for Titan, lessons for proposed Indian submersible dive.

Topic: GS3 – Defence


      • Scientists in India are preparing to undertake a deep-sea dive in an indigenous submersible called Matsya-6000 late next year. The submersible is designed to reach a depth of 6,000 meters in the Indian Ocean.

More about the news:

      • The recent incident involving the Titan submersible, which lost contact with its mothership, has led to a review of safety measures for the upcoming Indian mission. While multiple back-up safety measures are already in place, there will be further evaluations of the safety systems employed.

      • The Titan submersible features a carbon-fiber sphere with a titanium casing, but for the Matsya-6000, the use of carbon fiber was ruled out in favor of a titanium enclosure. Titanium is stronger than steel yet much lighter, making it ideal for resurfacing from the depths of the ocean.

      • Matsya-6000 also incorporates syntactic foam, which serves as a flotation device. This foam would rise to the surface, enabling the determination of the submersible’s physical location even if it were unable to resurface.

      • The recent accident involving the Titan submersible will prompt a thorough review and re-evaluation of all safety measures to ensure the utmost safety for the Indian mission.

Source: The Hindu, 23 July 2023 – page 16

5. MPC stresses need for inflation vigil

Topic: GS3 –Indian economy.


      • The minutes of the June meeting of the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) reveal that Governor Shaktikanta Das emphasized the need for continued vigilance on price stability despite bringing inflation within the target range.

More about the news:

      • Governor Das stated that the fight against inflation is not yet over and called for a forward-looking assessment of the inflation-growth outlook. The RBI should be prepared to take action accordingly.

      • The MPC decided to keep interest rates unchanged in the recent meeting to evaluate the impact of previous rate increases before implementing further monetary measures to align inflation with the 4% target.

      • The uncertainty surrounding the inflation outlook, including the distribution of monsoon rainfall and the possibility of El Nino weather patterns, necessitates close monitoring. Adverse climate events can quickly alter the inflation trajectory.

      • Governor Das acknowledged the difficulty of providing definitive forward guidance in the current uncertain environment and rate tightening cycle.

      • Deputy Governor Michael D. Patra emphasized the need for monetary policy to remain in a cautious stance to prevent any shocks from leaving lasting damage on the economy, particularly considering pressure points from supply-demand imbalances.

      • MPC member Jayanth R. Varma expressed concerns about significant risks to inflation and growth, highlighting that the process of controlling inflation is still a work in progress.

Source: The Hindu, 23 July 2023 – page 18

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