Everything You Need To Know About 11 August 2023 : Pib

11 August 2023 : PIB


11-August -2023

Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The PIB ( Press Information Bureau )




1. Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh says, the Indian Space Policy – 2023 opens up the sector for enhanced participation of Non-Government Entities.

Topic: GS3 – Food security


  • The Indian Space Policy – 2023 has been approved and released in the public domain.
  • The policy aims to enhance the participation of Non-Government Entities (NGEs) in the space economy and outlines the roles of various stakeholders, including IN-SPACe, ISRO, NSIL, and DOS.

About The Indian Space Policy – 2023:

The policy aims to enable, encourage, and develop a flourishing commercial presence in space, and to use space as a driver of technology development and derived benefits in allied areas.

The ISP 2023 has the following key features:

  • It establishes the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe), an autonomous government organization that will promote, guide, and authorize space activities in the country.
  • It allows non-government entities (NGEs) to undertake end-to-end activities in the space sector, such as launching satellites, building rockets, and operating ground stations.
  • It encourages NGEs to offer national and international space-based communication services, applications for agriculture, disaster management, and other sectors, and participate in international space exploration missions.
  • It provides for a regulatory framework for the space sector that is transparent, predictable, and conducive to innovation.
  • It promotes international cooperation in space activities.

Here are some of the benefits of the ISP 2023:

  • It will create new opportunities for the private sector in the space industry.
  • It will lead to increased innovation and investment in space technologies.
  • It will help to improve India’s national security by providing new capabilities for surveillance and communication.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947441

2. Measures taken to decongest major airports

Topic: GS3 – Indian airports.


  • Various measures have been implemented to alleviate congestion and improve passenger processing efficiency at major airports including Delhi and Mumbai.

Issues plaguing Indian ports:

  • Infrastructure deficiencies limiting capacity and efficiency.
  • Congestion and delays due to overcrowding.
  • Inefficient security procedures causing longer waiting times.
  • Outdated technology hampering various operational processes.
  • Inadequate passenger amenities affecting comfort.
  • Lack of seamless integration with road and rail
  • Inadequate maintenance impacting safety and efficiency.
  • Shortage of skilled manpower for operations and service.
  • Complex regulatory procedures and bureaucracy.
  • Security threats and terrorism risks.

Possible solutions:

  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Invest in modern infrastructure to enhance airport capacity and efficiency.
  • Capacity Expansion: Build new terminals and runways to alleviate congestion and accommodate growth.
  • Streamlined Security: Implement advanced security technologies to expedite screening processes.
  • Technology Integration: Upgrade systems for seamless operations and passenger experience.
  • Enhanced Facilities: Develop better waiting areas, restrooms, and dining options for passengers.
  • Improved Access: Create efficient parking facilities and access routes to reduce congestion.
  • Intermodal Connectivity: Integrate airports with efficient road and rail networks.
  • Skill Development: Train workforce for better service and operational efficiency.
  • Regulatory Reforms: Simplify regulations and procedures for smoother operations.

Model question: “Identify the key challenges faced by Indian airports and propose effective strategies to address these issues, ensuring improved operational efficiency and sustainable growth in the aviation sector.”

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947376

3. National Planning Group Meeting under PM GatiShakti recommends 6 infrastructure projects

Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives


  • The 53rd National Planning Group (NPG) meeting took place on August 9, 2023, in New Delhi.
  • Six projects were evaluated, including 3 projects from the Ministry of Railways and 3 projects from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, with a combined project cost of Rs. 28,875.16 Crore.


  • PM GATISHAKTI is an ambitious plan by the Government of India to create an integrated and multi-modal transportation system.
  • The plan aims to improve the efficiency of the transportation infrastructure and boost economic growth.
  • PM GATISHAKTI will focus on the following areas:
  1. Transportation and ports
  2. Multi-modal logistics parks
  3. Telecom
  4. Energy
  5. Water resources
  6. Land development
  7. Urban development
  • The total budget for PM GATISHAKTI is around ₹100 lakh crores.
  • The plan is expected to be completed by 2025.
  • The benefits of PM GATISHAKTI include:
  1. Improved efficiency of transportation infrastructure
  2. Boosted economic growth
  3. Improved living standards
  4. Increased trade and investment
  5. Reduced unemployment
  6. Environmental protection

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947583


Topic: GS2 – defence cooperation.


  • Indian Navy’s indigenous warships INS Sahyadri and INS Kolkata will participate in Exercise MALABAR 2023.
  • The exercise is scheduled to take place at or off Sydney from August 11 to 21, 2023.

More information about the news:

  • The MALABAR series of maritime exercises began in 1992 as a bilateral exercise between the Indian Navy and the US Navy.
  • Over the years, it has expanded to include four major navies in the Indo-Pacific Region.
  • Participating countries include India, Australia, Japan, and the U.S.
  • This year, Australia will host the exercise for the first time.
  • India has also been invited to the Sea Power conference hosted by Australia from November 7 to 9, and it is likely to attend.
  • Exercise Malabar will be followed by AUSINDEX, the India-Australia bilateral naval exercise.
  • Malabar is considered the most complicated naval exercise conducted by India.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947436

5. Impact of PM-DevINE Scheme in North Eastern Region

Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives


  • The Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East Region (PM-DevINE) was introduced as a new Central Sector Scheme in the Union Budget 2022-23.
  • An impact study for the PM-DevINE scheme is in progress at an appropriate time.

More information about PM-DevINE Scheme:

  • Name:Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East Region (PM-DevINE)
  • Outlay:  6,600 crore for the 4 year period from 2022-23 to 2025-26
  • Funding: 100% Central funding
  • Implementing agency: Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER)
  • Objectives:
    1. Fund infrastructure convergently, in the spirit of PM GatiShakti
    2. Support social development projects based on felt needs of the North East Region (NER)
    3. Enable livelihood activities for youth and women
    4. Fill the development gaps in various sectors
  • Key features:
    1. The scheme will be implemented in a convergent manner, bringing together different Central Ministries/Departments and State Governments.
    2. The scheme will focus on projects that address the felt needs of the people of the NER, such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and livelihood.
  • The PM-DevINE Scheme is a significant initiative that will help to accelerate the development of the North East Region. The scheme has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people in the NER and to bring the region closer to the rest of India.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947450

6. Status of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks

Topic: GS3 – Forest conservation.


  • The document provides details of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks across states.
  • The government has taken substantial measures to address human-animal conflicts and subsequent conservation of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Difference between national Park and wildlife sanctuary:

  • Legal Status: National Parks have higher legal protection compared to Wildlife Sanctuaries.
  • Human Activity: National Parks have stricter regulations on human activities than Wildlife Sanctuaries.
  • Conservation Focus: National Parks emphasize conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity, while Wildlife Sanctuaries focus on specific species.
  • Habitat Alteration: Limited human intervention is permitted in National Parks, while some level of habitat alteration is allowed in Wildlife Sanctuaries.
  • Research: National Parks might have more stringent rules on research activities compared to Wildlife Sanctuaries.
  • Resettlement: In National Parks, human resettlement is prohibited, whereas it might be allowed in specific cases in Wildlife Sanctuaries.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947432

7. Natural calamities in the country.

Topic: GS3 – natural disasters


  • MoES published ‘Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region’ highlighting impacts on India.

More about the news:

  • Temperature Increase: India’s average temperature rose by 0.7°C during 1901-2018.
  • Precipitation Extremes: Frequency of heavy daily precipitation increased by 75% during 1950-2015.
  • Droughts: Frequency and extent of droughts in India increased significantly during 1951-2015.
  • Sea-Level Rise: North Indian Ocean’s sea-level rose at 3.3 mm/year during 1993-2017.
  • Cyclonic Storms: Frequency of severe cyclonic storms over Arabian Sea increased during 1998-2018.

Government initiatives to address the situation:

  • Mobile Apps: IMD launched ‘UMANG’ and ‘MAUSAM’ mobile apps for weather services.
  • Climate Hazard Atlas: IMD developed an online atlas for extreme weather events’ planning and management.
  • Modernization Scheme: IMD’s ‘ACROSS’ scheme aims to modernize and expand weather services through sub-schemes.
  • Scientific Initiatives: IMD focuses on improving forecasting systems, observation networks, and climate services.

Importance:  The data mentioned in the article can be used in mains answer and essay.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947427

8. SATAT Scheme

Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives.

About SATAT Scheme:

  • The Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) scheme is a government initiative launched in 2018 to promote the production and use of compressed biogas (CBG) as a renewable fuel.
  • The scheme aims to produce 15 million tonnes of CBG by 2023, from 5,000 plants.
  • CBG is produced from biomass sources such as agricultural residue, cattle dung, and municipal solid waste.
  • It is a clean-burning fuel that can be used in vehicles, industries, and power plants. CBG has the potential to reduce India’s dependence on fossil fuels and help to improve air quality.

Here are some of the benefits of the SATAT scheme:

  • It will help to reduce India’s dependence on fossil fuels.
  • It will improve air quality by reducing emissions from vehicles and industries.
  • It will create new employment opportunities .
  • It will boost rural economy by providing additional income to farmers and entrepreneurs.
  • It will help to achieve India’s climate goals.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1947505

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