
13 Jan 2024 : PIB


13-January -2024

1.Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan visited C-DOT.

Topic: GS3 – Defence Sector  – Indigenization of technology

CDS General Chauhan’s visit to C-DOT underscores national security, indigenous tech development, and defense-telecom collaboration, relevant for UPSC aspirants 

  • Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan visited C-DOT Delhi, where indigenous advanced security solutions were showcased.
  • Emphasis on collaboration for cutting-edge telecom solutions, aligning with India’s self-reliance vision.

More on this news:

  • Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan visited the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) Delhi Campus.
  • C-DOT showcased indigenously developed advanced security solutions and various ongoing technology programs.
  • CEO of C-DOT, Dr. Rajkumar Upadhyay, presented a detailed overview of the Telecom product portfolio/solutions, including security operation centre, enterprise security centre, Quantum key distribution, and Post Quantum Cryptography.
  • Other solutions discussed included 4G core & 4G RAN, 5G core & 5G RAN, Disaster management solution, Optical transport & access solution, and switching & routing solution.
  • General Chauhan emphasized the need for collaboration between C-DOT and the defence forces for the development of futuristic and cutting-edge secured telecom solutions.
  • The visit highlighted the importance of synergy between C-DOT and the three wings of the Indian Armed Forces for integrating advanced secured communication solutions in modern warfare.

More about Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)
  • Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is a senior military officer responsible for coordinating joint military operations.
  • Single point of contact for the government on military matters, streamlining decision-making.
  • Aims to optimize joint planning, training, and resource allocation across services.
  • Enhances India’s strategic autonomy and response to complex security challenges.
  • The role aims to enhance synergy among the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
  • CDS serves as the principal military advisor to the government and heads the Department of Military Affairs.
  • The position promotes jointness in training, logistics, and procurement.
  • CDS plays a crucial role in strategic planning and decision-making, ensuring effective utilization of defense resources.

For Enquiry




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